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Equality and Diversity

July 22nd, 2013

The week that was…

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Equality and Diversity

July 22nd, 2013

The week that was…

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

In this week’s equality and diversity news – same sex marriage bill becomes law, report says part-timers tend to be undervalued by employers, and Frank Bruno’s daughter shares her experience of his diagnosis of bipolar disorder.

Last week, the same sex couples marriage bill received Royal Assent, officially making it law. This completes the historical journey of the bill. Women and Equalities Minister Maria Miller announced that the first same sex wedding could take place by as early as summer 2014.

We came across an interesting article by Zoe Williams on how women part-timers tend to be undervalued and undervalue themselves. A report by the Timewise Foundation has revealed that part-timers have fewer job and promotion opportunities and feel less valued in their jobs. Women make up the majority of part-timers and though part-time work offers an opportunity for a balanced life, it is still viewed negatively. Zoe argues that women need to stop feeling guilty about working part-time and start asserting their efficiency and value.

BBC published a very powerful article by Rachel Bruno, daughter of former boxer Frank Bruno, about her dad’s bipolar disorder. Rachel shares her experience of her father’s diagnosis and sectioning and the effect this had on their family. She has been trying to learn more about the illness and writes, “Finding out more about bipolar disorder has meant we have grown closer as a family and we have started to be more honest with each other.”

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Equality and Diversity

Posted In: Weekly news


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