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Equality and Diversity

April 17th, 2012

EMBRACE, LSE’s BME staff network, celebrates its first anniversary: Come along to the events


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Equality and Diversity

April 17th, 2012

EMBRACE, LSE’s BME staff network, celebrates its first anniversary: Come along to the events


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

EMBRACE (Ethnic Minorities Broadening Racial Awareness and Cultural Exchange), LSE’s BME staff network, is celebrating its first anniversary on 3 May 2012 by holding two very interesting high profile events on the day.

EMBRACE logoLunch time lecture – Social diversity within the workplace

Speaker: Raphael Mokades, Founder and Managing Director of Rare Recruitment
Date: 3 May 2012
Time: 1-2 pm
Venue: NAB 2.14

The speaker Raphael Mokades is the founder and Managing Director of Rare Recruitment, an organisation whose mission is to “help the best employers in the world build workforces of brilliant people that reflect society’s diversity.” His clients include Barclays Wealth, Google, EDF Energy, City Year and L’Oreal.

To hear his thoughts on this subject and to pose your questions to him, please e-mail to book your place by 30 April. There will be light refreshments available and an opportunity for networking after Raphael’s talk. Although the discussion will be aimed at staff and students from an ethnic minority background, everyone is welcome to attend.

After-work conference – Experiences of BAME people in Higher Education and shaping the future

Speakers: Prof John Macnicol, Lewina Coote, Mohsin Aboobaker, Prof Gus John
Chair: Dr Chaloka Beyani
Date: 3 May 2012
Time: 6-8 pm
Venue: NAB 2.04

The conference, sponsored by the LSE Annual Fund, covers experiences of BAME people in HE (both staff and students) in relations to the 2010 Equality Act. It will start by a critique of the act, followed by different strands by different speakers, discussions and networking. Most people would support the view that a modern, tolerant, liberal society is one in which citizens should not experience unfair discrimination. However, discrimination as a concept is not straightforward.

The conference is free to attend but registration is essential. Please write to by 30 April to reserve a place.

About the author

Equality and Diversity

Posted In: BME | Race

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