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Equality and Diversity

April 16th, 2012

The week that was…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Equality and Diversity

April 16th, 2012

The week that was…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

We are back after the Easter break with Equality and Diversity news from last week. Highlights include ban on anti-gay adverts on London buses, the new Channel 4 series ‘The Undateables’ and research on LGBT experiences of ‘community’.

Just days before a Christian advertising campaign promoting the idea that homosexuality can be ‘cured’ was due to appear on London buses, the mayor of London Boris Johnson intervened to ban the posters. The advert was due to say: “Not gay! Post-gay, ex-gay and proud. Get over it!” and had a striking resemblance to Stonewall’s “Some people are gay. Get over it!” adverts. The adverts were booked on behalf of the Core Issues Trust and caused outrage among gay campaigners and politicians.

A project funded by the AHRC (Arts and Humanities Research Council) is looking into LGBT understandings and experiences of ‘community’. The project aims to address these understandings and experiences, and explore the impact on lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) health, wellbeing and ‘quality of life’. If you are 16+ and identify either as LGBT or as an ‘LGBT stakeholder’, you can participate in the project. Find out more on the project website.

A new Channel 4  series entitled ‘The Undateables’ went on air earlier this month. The series explores the world of disability and dating and has received mixed response. While on the one hand, it is being appreciated for a positive portrayal of disability, on the other hand not everybody is pleased about labelling disabled people as the ‘undateables’. If you’ve been watching the series, do let us know what you think about it.

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Equality and Diversity

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