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Equality and Diversity

December 10th, 2012

The week that was…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Equality and Diversity

December 10th, 2012

The week that was…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

In today’s ‘The week that was…’: Ethnic minority women facing double jeopardy in recruitment, PM backs proposal to allow same-sex marriages in churches, and Carers UK survey reveals ‘sandwich parents’ emotionally and financially overwhelmed.

The all-party parliamentary group on race and community has published a report revealing that ethnic minority women face discrimination at “every stage of the recruitment process”. The report focused on black, Pakistani and Bangladeshi women workers. In 2011, the overall unemployment rate for ethnic minority women was 14.3%, compared with 6.8% for white women. The report also found that many ethnic minority women ‘whitened’ their job applications by changing their name or appearance to overcome prejudice.

Prime Minister David Cameron is backing the proposal to allow same-sex weddings to be hosted in Churches and religious organisations. However, this doesn’t imply that a religious organisation that doesn’t want to host a same-sex wedding can be forced to do so. The coalition campaigning for the change in law, Out4Marriage, welcomed the announcement: “We are glad that they appear, like us, to believe in religious freedom, that churches must have the freedom to decide themselves whether to allow gay couples to marry.”

A survey by Carers UK has revealed that ‘sandwich generation’ parents, 45-60 year olds who are caring for ageing parents while their children are still at home, are emotionally and financially overwhelmed. Three quarters of sandwich carers surveyed had seen a loss of earnings and 95% said the pressure affected their ability to work. Across the UK there are an estimated 2.4 million ‘sandwich carers’.

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Equality and Diversity

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