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Equality and Diversity

June 11th, 2013

The week that was…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Equality and Diversity

June 11th, 2013

The week that was…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Highlights from equality and diversity news last week – OFFA and HEFCE release annual monitoring report on widening participation, can universities solve the problem of social mobility on their own and suffragette Emily Davison’s death centenary commemorated by LSE Library.

Office for Fair Access (OFFA) and Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) have released their annual monitoring report, detailing widening participation efforts of universities as well as performance against OFFA monitored access agreements. Welcoming the investement by universities in access and widening participation measures, Professor Les Ebdon said “…institutions must get smarter in their investment if we are to make more progress in closing the unacceptably large gap in participation in higher education that remains between advantaged and disadvantaged people.”

Commenting on the OFFA/HEFCE report, an article in the Evening Standard criticised the report for expecting universities to solve social mobility on their own. It argues that the rise in fees is a major detriment for aspiration among students from disadvantaged backgrounds and that more needs to be done in pre-18 education to make the education system more inclusive.

Last week marked the centenary of death of the suffragette Emily Davison. Emily Davison is reported to have ran on to the track at the Epsom Derby race and was trampled upon by King George V’s horse, she died from her injuries four days later. Already a well known militant suffragette, Emily Davison became an international martyr after the incident. To commemorate the centenary of Emily Davison’s protest and death, LSE Library has launched a unique collection of materials documenting the life and death of Emily Wilding Davison.

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Equality and Diversity

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