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Equality and Diversity

August 19th, 2013

The week that was…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Equality and Diversity

August 19th, 2013

The week that was…


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

In today’s equality and diversity news – consultation on move to introduce compulsory internal gender quotas, discussion on whether numbers further the spirit of diversity, and France considering extending the ban on headscarves to its universities.

Consultation is now underway on a move to introduce compulsory internal  quotas for women on boards in large financial firms. All companies in the sector will be obliged to outline a comprehensive diversity strategy for boardroom appointments. The move follows from a recent EU directive which the UK is required to implement under terms of an EU banking directive. UK has so far only pushed for FTSE 100 firms to voluntarily achieve 25% representation for women on boards by 2015; the current figure stands at 17.4%.

Of course, many disagree with mandatory quotas arguing that numbers don’t necessarily help the cause of diversity. A recent study of FTSE 350 boards found that though they have become more diverse in terms of gender, new appointments may have overlooked executive experience. While in 2007, 46% of non-executive director appointments had executive director experience, this fell to 17% in 2012.

In another news, France is considering banning headscarves in the country’s universities. Headscarves are already banned in France in the civil service and state-run schools. Such a ban may have implications for staff and students in the UK wishing to visit, work or study at French universities.

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Equality and Diversity

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