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2014 European Parliament elections
The division on the right of the UK’s party system is now the defining feature of electoral politics in Britain
November 22nd, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Online platforms associated with traditional media organisations or established institutions are more successful at increasing public knowledge of the EU
November 15th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
The UK government’s ‘Devo Manc’ proposals represent centralisation on steroids
November 8th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Book Review: When Greeks and Turks Meet: Interdisciplinary Perspectives on the Relationship Since 1923, edited by Vally Lytra
October 26th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Book Review: The Most Sublime Hysteric: Hegel with Lacan by Slavoj Žižek
October 19th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Book Review: The New Geography of Capitalism: Firms, Finance, and Society by Adam D Dixon
October 12th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Book Review: Football’s Dark Side: Corruption, Homophobia, Violence and Racism in the Beautiful Game by Ellis Cashmore and Jamie Cleland
October 12th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Bulgaria’s uninspiring election campaign is likely to lead to another hung parliament
October 5th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Book Review: Environment and Development Economics: Essays in Honour of Sir Partha Dasgupta, edited by Scott Barrett et al.
October 5th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Book Review: Virtual Economies: Design and Analysis by Vili Lehdonvirta and Edward Castronova
September 21st, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Book Review: Beautiful Game Theory: How Soccer Can Help Economics by Ignacio Palacios-Huerta
September 21st, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Scottish independence referendum liveblog
September 18th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
If Scotland votes ‘Yes’, we will likely see an immigration policy that is markedly different from the rest of the UK
September 18th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Book Review: How Think Tanks Shape Social Development Policies, edited by James McGann, Jillian Rafferty, and Anna Viden
September 7th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Brussels round up: Tusk and Mogherini, ECB interest rate cut, and government approval ratings
September 5th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Brussels round up: Jumpstarting the Eurozone’s economy, French government resigns, and the Italian left at a crossroads
August 29th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
European Council preview: who will get the EU’s remaining top jobs?
August 29th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Content analysis shows Romanians have tended to be linked to criminality and economic poverty in UK media coverage
August 27th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Excluding the growing camp of Eurosceptics from the EU’s corridors of power could prove fatal in the long run
August 4th, 2014
2014 European Parliament elections
Coverage of the Commission President candidates in the Spanish media shows the Spitzenkandidaten process had a wide reach across Europe
August 4th, 2014
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