Monthly Archives: April 2016


by Samania 

pt. I
something is wrong
this is temporary
sweet but not serious
curious but not aware
ill but arousing
a beautiful phase
drowning in tears, not their own
fleeting, confused
oscillating between feeling and numbness

most depictions of confused women don’t reflect confused women
they reflect a confused gaze
a dirty lens
the dirt is invisible
it’s called discourse
a cocktail of history, stories, and science
accounts sans accountability

phase is your film, of which […]

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    Rape and Sexual Violence in War: The Vexing Issue of Causation and Some Reflections from Bosnia

Rape and Sexual Violence in War: The Vexing Issue of Causation and Some Reflections from Bosnia

By Janine Natalya Clark


Refugees; Srebrenica; the siege of Sarajevo; burning villages such as Ahmići and Stupni Do; the Omarska camp. Captured in these words are some of the most powerful and lasting images of the 1992-1995 Bosnian war. Media cameras captured many of the crimes committed in this bloody conflict. In contrast, one particular set of crimes typically occurred […]

April 20th, 2016|Featured, Politics|1 Comment|

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