Monthly Archives: January 2017

Labors of Love: Nurturing Resistance

by Lara N. Dotson-Renta



“Yes, fusion is possible but only if things get hot enough – all else is temporary adhesion, patching up.” The Welder, Cherrie Moraga

Recent weeks have felt white hot with mourning, filled with impotence at the path laid out—a path so many of us feel embraces our tendency towards darkness, rather than nudging us towards light.

Like many, I watched […]

About that march on Saturday 21st

An international march was organised by feminist groups across 20 countries last Saturday, 21st of January, following the election of Trump as the president of the United States. This march gathered an important diversity of organisations, making thousands of people unite around the world in protest to Trump’s election, in defence of woman’s rights, and against discourses of hate and racism. […]

  • Screen shot of BBC website showing women wearing Muslim dress and the title of the show 'The Real Housewives of ISIS'
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    The ‘Real Housewives of ISIS’ sketch: When funny is harmful

The ‘Real Housewives of ISIS’ sketch: When funny is harmful

by Jennifer Philippa Eggert

 Image: BBC Two/ BBC iPlayer: ‘Revolting’ Episode 1

If you follow the news, you have probably heard about the controversial new BBC sketch ‘Real Housewives of ISIS’. I do like some good comedy and have no issue laughing at Muslims or issues that arise in Muslim societies. There are great sketches on that. As a student I used to laugh […]

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