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    Path of Fire, Heart of Lotus: Japanese Women’s Buddhist Monasticism, Impermanence and Post-WWII Gender-Inclusive Peace Movements

Path of Fire, Heart of Lotus: Japanese Women’s Buddhist Monasticism, Impermanence and Post-WWII Gender-Inclusive Peace Movements

by Sourajit Ghosh

This piece is part of the East Asia Solidarity blog series, “Look East”, which highlights gender knowledge and studies of the East and Southeast Asia region. The initiative was conceptualised and led by MSc students of the LSE Gender Department in the summer of 2023, and explores themes around locating identity, heritage and (re/newed) knowledge of gender studies in the […]

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    The Struggle for Women’s Reproductive Rights; A Southeast Asian Perspective

The Struggle for Women’s Reproductive Rights; A Southeast Asian Perspective

by Maya Bofa

This piece is part of the East Asia Solidarity blog series, “Look East”, which highlights gender knowledge and studies of the East and Southeast Asia region. The initiative was conceptualised and led by MSc students of the LSE Gender Department in the summer of 2023, and explores themes around locating identity, heritage and (re/newed) knowledge of gender studies in the […]

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    The killing of Elianne Andam – patriarchy as a theory of gender

The killing of Elianne Andam – patriarchy as a theory of gender

by Alanah Mortlock

On the 27 September 2023, a 15-year-old girl – a child – was fatally stabbed on her way to school. A 17-year-old boy believed to be the one who killed her has been taken into custody, charged with her murder on the 29 September 2023. This happened in Croydon, on Wellesley Road just outside the Whitgift shopping […]

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    The Saturday Mothers in Turkey as a Maternal Movement: A Feminist Critique

The Saturday Mothers in Turkey as a Maternal Movement: A Feminist Critique

by Güneş Daşlı

The public attention to motherhood and the maternal aspect of collective activism on the issue of enforced disappearances is not unique to Turkey. Similar to other victims’ movements globally, such as the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo or the Mothers of Abkhazia for Peace and Social Justice, motherhood and its traits traditionally ascribed to women shape the Saturday […]

The many faces of feminism in Eurasia

by Karolina Kluczewska and Laura Luciani 

In many countries around the world, feminist politics are marginalised or face resistance from governments and societies alike – and this is also the case in post-socialist Eurasia. As an additional challenge, gender-related discourses in this region are dominated by international donors, which promote a one-size-fits-all, neoliberal approach based on universal human rights and gender equality […]

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    Wednesday, the 28th of June, 2023: Anti-Gender Violence in Canada

Wednesday, the 28th of June, 2023: Anti-Gender Violence in Canada

by Emily Sams-Harris

On Wednesday, the 28th of June, 2023, in the city colonially known as Ottawa, Canada, far-right anti-gender protestors stood outside the National Arts Centre of Canada and shouted violent, hateful messages during a Drag Story Time for the second time in recent months.

On Wednesday, the 28th of June, 2023, in the city colonially known as Waterloo, Canada, […]

Who can afford to commodify women’s bodies?

by Kashi Syal 

In September 2017, Kim Kardashian and Kanye West announced that their third child would be carried by a $45,000 surrogate. Only, it wasn’t West with whom the news outlets and search engines associated the surrogacy; rather, it was Kardashian who dominated the headlines. Likewise in 2009, Sarah Jessica Parker — not her famous husband Matthew Broderick— was the primary […]

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    Solidaristic coalitions and ‘unbudgeable conviction in justice’ in the face of transnational anti-gender movements

Solidaristic coalitions and ‘unbudgeable conviction in justice’ in the face of transnational anti-gender movements

by Sumi Madhok

This blogpost is based on comments given at the following events: AHRC Network workshop on Transnational Anti-Gender Politics: Narratives and Resistance held at the LSE on 2 December 2022; the SOAS Gender Studies Conference 4 February 2023 and the Pathfinders grand Challenge on Inequality Panel Solidarity in Action: Countering anti-feminist trends around the globe, 13 March 2023, […]

  • photo of The Hunt by Mahasweta Devi, taken by the author
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    Book Review: Subverting the Norms and Constructs of Gender – The Hunt by Mahasweta Devi

Book Review: Subverting the Norms and Constructs of Gender – The Hunt by Mahasweta Devi

By Aadya Narain 

Mahasweta Devi (1990) The hunt. Women & Performance: a journal of feminist theory, 5:1, 61-79.

Photo of The Hunt by Mahasweta Devi, taken by the author

Mahasweta Devi is a political activist and author who wrote about subaltern, marginalised communities in India with a piercing feminist gaze. Her deceptively simple and accessible language in “The Hunt” reveals the complex socio-cultural realities […]

Letters to Myself: Trans Joy in Troubling Times

by Cal Brantley

Mural from Austin, TX, USA, April 2023
Why does the LGBTQ+ community unify the most during queer/transphobic tragedy or political attacks? It is true that life is unfortunately nasty, brutish, and short for too many trans siblings around the world–but too often, our arguments for trans rights are framed only around alleviating our suffering.

Trans suicide and murder rates. […]

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