
  • Photo of Marine Le Pen at a campaign rally
    Permalink Photo credit: Blandine Le CainGallery

    Marine Le Pen’s Woman Card: The re-alignment of female voters in a traditionally masculine game

Marine Le Pen’s Woman Card: The re-alignment of female voters in a traditionally masculine game

by Sjifra de Leeuw

The nation and by extent nationalist politics is traditionally rendered a male game. In the most recent French presidential race this status quo has been challenged by a female contender, namely Marine Le Pen. In this post I ask what role Marine Le Pen’s gender played in the mobilisation of voters and argue that Le Pen’s electoral success […]

August 7th, 2017|Featured, Politics|0 Comments|

The Issue of Gender Equality in Confucian Culture

by Yutang Jin   The issue of gender equality has long been raised in South Korea, and this problem turns out to be especially prominent in the current job market. Despite the number of female graduates employed bypassing male graduates, according to the survey recently published by the Ministry of Education in South Korea, women still linger behind men in […]

January 18th, 2016|Politics, Society|0 Comments|

The Polish Parliamentary Elections 2015: A Gender Analysis

On 25 October, 50,92% of Polish citizens entitled to vote exercised their right to do so in the parliamentary elections. Yet, it is not the low turn out that made this year’s election unusual (turn out for the 2011 elections was 48,9%), but the sweeping victory for the right. The results gave the conservative right-wing party Prawo i Sprawiedliwość (PiS) […]

November 3rd, 2015|Politics|1 Comment|

The War Rages On: Women in the British Military and the De-Politicisation of War in ‘Our Girl’ (2014)

The five part BBC drama series Our Girl (and the 90 minute TV film which preceded it) centres around the experiences of Private Molly Dawes, a young medic serving in the British Army. Molly is assigned to a unit referred to as ‘2 Section’ as a combat casualty replacement, and with them deploys to Afghanistan. Her colleague in 2 Section, Private […]

Where has gender gone? The big absence in Brazilian presidential elections 2014

  One could expect that having two woman candidates (Marina da Silva and Dilma Roussef) leading the polls might have brought gender equality to the centre of the Brazilian presidential elections debates – especially when one of them is the current President of Brazil, and the first-ever woman to hold that office. Although feminist scholars have warned against essentialist arguments on representation, […]

October 20th, 2014|Politics|0 Comments|

Is ActionAid’s gender-specific fundraising campaign progressive?

In September 2013 international NGO ActionAid launched a new fundraising campaign in the UK that aimed to raise awareness of the plight of women in refugee camps. The campaign poster features a black-and-white image of a Congolese woman, accompanied by the heading “The worst period of her life.” Underneath this statement is written: Imagine you’ve fled your home. You’ve lost […]

March 24th, 2014|Development|1 Comment|

Event Report: The European Institute for Gender Equality presents the Gender Equality Index

Measuring gender equality is not an easy task given different conceptions of what is to be measured and how. Composite indicators are one way in which to measure gender equality and several have been developed at the international level, but none of the existing ones provided an adequate tool for Member State comparisons at the EU level. The Gender Equality […]

November 7th, 2013|Development, Politics|1 Comment|

Recognising Religious Women as Feminist Subjects: The Case of Catholic Feminists in Brazil

The position of white Western feminists regarding religious women, and more specifically Muslim women, is increasingly contested. In Western discourses, religious women are considered either too oppressed to speak for themselves or too dominated to express a real “free choice” (Delphy 2008; Scott 2007). By locking them in this subjugated position, feminist theory denies religious women agency and capacity to […]

September 23rd, 2013|Arts & Culture, Society|1 Comment|

More chairs, please

Those hoping for progress towards gender equality in UK big business shouldn’t expect to see it any time soon. The Financial Times recently reported a slowdown in female appointments to FTSE 100 boards, according to data from the Professional Boards Forum (PBF). Key findings include the following gloomy facts:  just 12 per cent of directors appointed in the two months […]

July 31st, 2013|Politics, Society|0 Comments|

Politics aimed at participation: A critical analysis of role of civil society and women groups affecting peace in Afghanistan

Many Afghans, and the international community, reckon the inclusion of civil society and women in the political processes of Afghanistan as crucial for the success of the ongoing peace talks. Paffenholz and Spurk, while emphasizing on the importance of civil society’s role in peace building, state ‘’There is also agreement that non-governmental peace initiatives are as needed as official or […]

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