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Dr Helen Kara

March 19th, 2020

Twelve Top Tips for Writing an Academic Book Blurb

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Dr Helen Kara

March 19th, 2020

Twelve Top Tips for Writing an Academic Book Blurb

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

One key part of the process of writing and publishing an academic book is the blurb – the text on the back of a book’s cover that tells you what the book is about. While this may seem difficult to craft, in this feature – originally published on her website – Dr Helen Kara shares twelve top tips for writing an irresistible blurb. 

Image Credit: Photo by Volodymyr Hryshchenko on Unsplash

The ‘blurb’ is the text on the back of a book’s cover which tells you what the book is about. It’s not simply a description, though; it is also a sales tool. For this reason some people find blurbs difficult, even distasteful to write.

Do you want to know a secret? I love writing blurbs. This is partly because I love writing and I always enjoy a different and interesting wordsmithing job. It’s also because I enjoy a chance to show off. For the same reason, I like being interviewed for contracts, giving keynotes and running workshops. Generally speaking, showing off is regarded as bad form, but these are situations where you’re supposed to show off. And so is writing a blurb.

I do understand why blurb writing can feel difficult and distasteful for some people, particularly academics who are trained not to over-claim – and so may spend much of their time actually under-claiming in their efforts to follow academic convention. Generally speaking I think that’s a good thing, but when you’re writing a blurb, you need to use a different register. If you’re one of the people who finds blurb-writing difficult – or perhaps you’re coming to this task for the first time – these tips should help you to write an irresistible blurb.

1. Start by studying some blurbs of books in your field. Take note of what appeals to you, what puts you off, and in particular what might encourage you to open the book and start reading.

2. Go back to your book’s proposal and manuscript reviews and pull out every complimentary word, phrase and sentence into a new document. Think about which of these you could use in your blurb, and how.

3. Revisit the proposal you wrote for your book. Look for ideas or wording you can use in your blurb.

4. Explain as clearly as possible what your book does that no other book does.

5. Use strong language. I don’t mean swearing (unless you’re in a very particular kind of sub-genre); I mean words like ‘first’, ‘brilliant’, ‘ground-breaking’ – especially such words that were used by your reviewers and/or in your proposal. This kind of language inspires curiosity in potential readers.

6. Specify who your book is for. This could be by category of people (students, teachers, early career researchers) or by interest (e.g. anyone with an interest in urban design and planning).

7. Work hardest on the first sentence; it’s the most important. Make it as compelling as you can.

8. Work almost as hard on the last sentence. Fiction blurbs often use a cliff-hanger (‘Will Curtis ever recover from his terrible ordeal?’; ‘Can Lila catch the serial killer before more people die?’). Academic books can rarely do this, but at least we can try to be intriguing.

9. Make every single word count. Blurbs are usually limited to 100-150 words so there’s no room for waffle.

10. Expect input from your publisher’s marketing people. They’re good at this kind of thing. For example, the second sentence of the blurb for Research and Evaluation for Busy Students and Practitioners says: ‘Brilliantly attuned to the demands placed on researchers, this book considers how students, academics and professionals alike can save time and stress without compromising the quality of their research or its outcomes.’ I have to credit Kathryn King, Marketing Manager at Policy Press, for most of this sentence, perhaps all, and certainly its opening.

11. If you don’t get input from your publisher – or even if you do – test out your blurb on a few friends or colleagues who you can trust to give you honest constructive feedback.

12. Be prepared to revise and revise and polish and polish and revise some more.

One piece of advice often given to blurb writers is to be sure to use your own voice. I only agree with this up to a point, because it’s not like any of us only have one voice. Think how you might talk to a tired two-year-old or to a police officer who has just stopped you in the street. Different voices, right? And so it is with books and blurbs. In the book, you’re talking to your reader; you know they’re there with you. In the blurb, you’re trying to persuade them to join you. Again, think how your voice might differ in equivalent real-life situations: perhaps where you’re chatting to a friend over a table in a coffee shop, versus standing in the street trying to persuade your friend to join you for a coffee when you really want them to say ‘yes’.

Ultimately, that’s what your blurb needs to do: persuade potential readers to say ‘yes’, to become actual readers, to take your words and ideas along with them.

This feature gives the views of the author, and not the position of the LSE Review of Books blog nor the London School of Economics.


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About the author

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Dr Helen Kara

Dr Helen Kara has been an independent researcher since 1999, focusing on social care and health, partnership working and the third sector. She teaches and writes on research methods. Her most recent full-length book is Research Ethics in the Real World: Euro-Western and Indigenous Perspectives (Policy, 2018). She is also the author of the PhD Knowledge series of short e-books for doctoral students. Helen is an Honorary Senior Research Fellow at the University of Manchester, and a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences

Posted In: Methods and Research

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