I was in BBC White City today, as the Corporation’s employees were coming to terms with the shock news that their ultimate boss, Michael Grade has deserted them for ITV (and £8 million).
Were they lining up to cheer/boo their boss as he headed off for my old working address at Grays Inn Road, just as they said a tearful farewell to Greg Dyke when he left two years ago?
Er…no. As usual, the BBC was a quiet but busy series of open-plan offices with people having earnest discussions about their work in scruffy corners.
Most were relieved that it makes plans to move to Salford (The North – yuk!) less likely. There was even talk from one very senior investigative hack about the bright days of John Birt.
I think the BBC is in pretty good shape journalistically – but I would say that as they have just asked me to present a documentary on Muslims and The Media – more on that later.
But the real lesson, which I recall from my decade with the Beeb, is that leaders come and go, the vast legions of journalists carry on their work regardless.