In the latest of our guest blog posts by POLIS Summer School students, one student, who wishes to remain anonymous, wonders why the Chinese are already celebrating the 2008 Olympics before they have even taken place.
The stage was filled with pop singers and entertainers alike to celebrate the one year mark until Beijing’s 2008 Summer Olympics. It was noted that 130 musicians as well as one well-known celebrity, Jackie Chan, attended the extavagent event. In a world like ours today, why do millions of dollars have to be spent to celebrate an event that has yet to occur? Couldn’t that money have been put towards a better cause? I think so. A few serious issues are brought up in the online article featured on Google News and one of them just happens to be the questionable air quality of Beijing and the impact it may have on athletes. The money that was wasted on celebrating a year until 8/8/08 should have instead been put towards improving the environment that will keep Olympic athletes safe while competing. The Olympic backdrop is no longer set for the athletes themselves but for the extra publicity and economic incentives China will receive in exchange for hosting the 2008 Games. I only wish I could see the look on the Ancient Greeks’ faces in response to the ever-increasing commercialization of their games that were once focused around athletic ability.