My favourite African blogger Cedric Kalonji is now blogging in English from the streets of Kinshasa. Cedric’s original blog is, of course, in French, which I do not pretend to read fluently. But the real trick of this blog is the photos taken with a simple digital camera.
Cedric is a journalist with Radio Okapi so his blog is a chance for him to ruminate in a more personal way about everything from politics, to police, to fast food. Recent excellent postings include articles on an upsurge in violent crime over Christmas and a brief history of Congolese dance music – all illustrated with witty and often rather beautiful pictures.
And there is a lot of interesting information and insight to be garnered from the blog upon the condition of central Africa. In his most recent post he tells us about the queues for visas outside foreign embassies. Cedric muses on why the Congolese are so keen to leave. But he also offers the interesting bit of reportage that the longest queues are now outside the Chinese embassy.