Please join me as I debate trust in the media with a great panel of journalists tonight (Wednesday 30th). The speakers will be:
Andrew Gilligan who has been accused of untrustworthiness when he reported the Iraq dossier while at the BBC. Now at the Evening Standard in London he is seen by some as part of that paper’s virulent campaign to stop Ken Livingstone getting a thid term as London Mayor.
Yasmin Alibhai-Brown, an outspoken commentator on the Independent which is certainly a newspaper that has never pretended to objectivity. Can we trust it under controversial new editor, Roger Alton?
And then chairing the meeting is Evan Davies who has been a breath of fresh air on the BBC Radio 4 Today Programme: but can you really trust a programme which exemplifies the Corporation’s cynical Oxbridge liberal bias?
This is all to celebrate the launch of Adrian Monck’s stimulating new book, Can You Trust The Media which I have reviewed elsewhere.
Join us all at 6pm at the Cass Business School (part of City University London), 106 Bunhill Row, London, EC1Y 8TZ.
Evan Davies a breath of fresh air on the Today Programme!
I think not.
It is only that he has lost his image as an objective and knowledgeable economic commentator that he has been “elevated” to the Today Programme panel, and will soon show the Nu Labour bias that the other four presenters constantly do.
Did anyone complain of the interview of Gordon Brown on Today this morning?
If you want to rid the BBC of bias this is a golden opportunity.