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Charlie Beckett

June 18th, 2008

links to clever folk that I know


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Charlie Beckett

June 18th, 2008

links to clever folk that I know


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Ben Hammersley is interviewing me for the 2gether08 conference so I can only express admiration for his versatility: adventurer, fashion photographer and multi-skilled journalist. His new extra blog is here.

Adrienne Russell is a US digital media academic who left Denver for London this week. She’s working on a book on Networked Journalism so I was delighted to compare notes with her this afternoon. She’s involved with some interested media innovation projects but is suitably sceptical (sorry, skeptical) about whether new media is delivering. Her blog here.

Social reporter David Wilcox pops over to record a video interview with me. His ability to be a one-person newsroom reminds me that I need to match his skills in all-platform broadcasting. I talk about it but I don’t have the range of skills.

Perhaps I wll get those skills if Kevin Anderson, myself and some other very clever folk get our plans for a Hack Day For Hacks off the ground. We’ve hoping to do something very funky in early August. Endless good stuff on his blog written with his missus, Suw Charman.

About the author

Charlie Beckett

Posted In: Journalism | Media