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Charlie Beckett

March 10th, 2009

Our Penguin Is Missing

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Charlie Beckett

March 10th, 2009

Our Penguin Is Missing

0 comments | 1 shares

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes



Someone has stolen the penguin from the London School of Economics.

I first heard about this from the LSE’s Twitter service and then got full details from a Canadian newspaper website. That’s how news travels these days.

The penguin was one of a number of sculptures that decorate the streets and squares that make up the LSE’s rather urban public spaces.

Artist Yolanda Vandergaast had another penguin stolen from a Canadian sculpture park eight years ago.

There  is something about penguins that make these animals  innately newsworthy.

And of course, they are the subject of great literature. Perhaps the best book about post-Soviet Russia (or at least the funniest) was Andrey Kurkov’s Death and the Penguin.

Let’s hope our penguin flies home soon.

Meanwhile, join the Penguin Facebook group.



About the author

Charlie Beckett

Posted In: Research