How are ‘relevance’ and ‘value’ constructed by Google? How are ‘self-expression’ and ‘relationships’ constructed by Facebook? Aleks Krotoski, academic, journalist, and host of BBC Radio 4’s The Digital Human science series and the Guardian’s Tech Weekly podcast, explores these questions in her new book, Untangling the Web: What the Internet is Doing to You.
On Tuesday, December 11, Krotoski will be speaking about the ideological assumptions made by web developers when creating these digital platforms. Critical consumption of these technologies are part of our digital literacy, yet we choose to consume these, and other technologies, as techno-fundamentalists. Should we?
Tuesday 11 December 2012, 5-6pm; New Theatre, East Building, Houghton Street, LSE Direction here
This is the last of the Media Agenda Talk Series 2012.