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Charlie Beckett

October 25th, 2019

A bibliography of journalism and artificial intelligence

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Charlie Beckett

October 25th, 2019

A bibliography of journalism and artificial intelligence

0 comments | 17 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

This list of readings about journalism and AI is based on research for the Polis report on AI and journalism published in November 2019. You can download the report here.

We will update this list and welcome suggestions for further readings to:


Automating the News: how Algorithms are Rewriting the Media

By Nick Diakopoulos, Harvard University Press, Jun 2019

Newsmakers: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Journalism

By Francesco Marconi, Columbia University Press, forthcoming Spring 2020


An Industry-Led Debate: How UK Media Cover Artificial Intelligence 

By Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, December 2018

Understanding the Promise and Limits of Automated Fact-Checking 

By Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism, February 2018

Artificial​ ​Intelligence: Practice​ ​and Implications​ ​for Journalism  

By Tow Center for Digital Journalism, Columbia University,  September 2017

The Future of Augmented Journalism: A guide for newsrooms in the age of smart machines

By F. Marconi & A. Siegman, Associated Press,  April 2017

Guide to Automated Journalism

By Tow Center for Digital Journalism, Columbia University,  January 2016


Journalism and AI 

What is machine learning and why should I care?

By Nicholas Diakopoulos, CJR,  25-Apr-2019

AI is going to save journalism – here’s how

By Knowledge @Wharton, World Economic Forum, 23-Apr-2019

ISOJ panelists discuss the importance and challenges of integrating AI with journalism

By Sunny Kim, Knight Center for Journalism in the Americas, 16-Apr-2019

A Crash Course for Journalists In Classifying Text with Machine Learning

By Jeremy B. Merrill, Quartz,  11-Apr-2019

How to make your newsroom AI-ready

By Tom Van de Weghe, JSK Stanford Fellow,  14-Mar-2019

Reporting with sensors in human spaces

By Jakob Vicari, Journalism of Things, 4-Mar-2019

Is AI and journalism a good mix?
By Phil Siarri, Medium,  6-Jan-2019

10 things about AI every newsroom should know

By Tom Van de Weghe, Medium, 7-Dec-2018

An algorithmic nose for news

By Nicholas Diakopoulos, Columbia Journalism Review, 28-Nov-2018

How artificial intelligence is transforming journalism

By María Crespo, Equal Times,  27-Nov-2018

Why We Are in Danger of Overestimating AI

By Richard Waters, Financial Times, 30-Oct-2018

A new hope: AI for news media

By Jarno Koponen, TechCrunch,  June 2018

The cybernetic newsroom: horses and cars

By Reginald Chua, Reuters,  12-Mar-2018

Journalism and artificial intelligence: some notes

By Charlie Beckett, Polis, LSE,  1-Mar-2018

Exploring machine learning in newsrooms

By Sebastian Auyanet & Melissa DiPento, Tow Center,  9-Jan-2018

AI is the new horizon for news

By Bertrand Pecquerie,  5-Jan-2018 

We Get Serious About Algorithms

By Tamar Charney, NPR,  2018 Nieman Lab Predictions

Unlocking the potential of AI

By Rubina Madan Fillion,  2018 Nieman Lab Predictions

A day in the life of a journalist in 2027: Reporting meets AI

By Francesco Marconi and Alex Siegman, Columbia Journalism Review,  11-Apr-2017

Content personalisation

SmartNews: an AI news app for personalized discovery

By Nanalize,, 7-Aug-2019

Get ready for a new era of personalized entertainment

By Jarno Koponen, TechCrunch,  13-Apr-2019

First in the world: Yle’s smart news assistant Voitto ensures that you don’t miss the news you want to read

By Jarno Koponen, YLE News Lab,  10-Oct-2018

Breaking down China’s most popular news app, Toutiao

By Xinmei Chen, Abacus,  2-Oct-2018

AI is going to be helpful for personalizing news – but watch out for journalism turning into marketing

By Laura Hazard Owen, Nieman Lab, 21-Sep-2017

Robot Journalism

The magazine that writes itself

By Katryn Lawrence, Medium, 12-Jun-2019

Robo-reporter writes front page news

By Patricia Nilsson, Financial Times, 4-Jun-2019

AI learns to write headlines (but not this one) 

By Kaveh Waddell, Axios, 17-May-2019

Can science writing be automated?

By David L. Chandler | MIT News,  17-Apr-2019

The Dawn of the Cyborg Journalist

By Thomas McMullan,  17-Apr-2019

PA’s ‘robot-written’ story service gets first paying subscribers after trial ends

By Charlotte Tobitt, PressGazette, 9-Apr-2019

Stories by numbers: How BBC News is experimenting with semi-automated journalism

By Roo Hutton, BBC News Labs,  22-Mar-2019

An AI helped us write this article

By Kelsey Piper, Vox,   14-Feb-2019

Will robot journalism replace human journalists?

By Evelyn Mateos, Editor & Publisher, 14-Feb-2019

The Rise of the Robot Reporter

By Jaclyn Peiser, The New York Times,  5-Feb-2019

Why I created a robot to write news stories

By Nick Evershed, Guardian Australia,  1-Feb-2019

Automated Sports News: The Good, the Bad and the Unlikely

By Connor Bean, Bournemouth University,  30-Dec-2018

Three Swedish local media groups go all in on robot journalism

By United Robots,  20-Dec-2018

How Reuters uses robots to analyse data and humans to tell the stories

Jacob Granger, 12-Nov-2018

Automated Journalism – AI Applications at New York Times, Reuters, and Other Media Giants

By Corinna Underwood, TechEmergence,  17-Jan-2018

Can you tell if this was written by a robot? 7 challenges for AI in journalism

By Stefan Hall, World Economic Forum,  15-Jan-2018

Washington Post to Cover Every Major Race on Election Day With Help of Artificial Intelligence

By Lukas I. Alpert, The Wall Street Journal,  19-Oct-2016

AI in investigative journalism

How Quartz used AI to help reporters search the Mauritius Leaks

By Jeremy B. Merrill, Quartz, 23-Jul-2019

We cracked the Panama Papers with 400 human brains. Can AI help us next time?

By Marina Walker Guevara, ICIJ & JSK Stanford Fellow,  19-Mar-2019

Leprosy of the land

By, Texty, 24-Mar-2018

AI against disinformation

This AI tool is smart enough to spot AI-generated articles and tweets

By Ravie Lakshmanan, The Next Web,  29-Jul-2019

Counteracting neural disinformation with Grover

By Rowan Zellers, Medium, 18-Jun-2019

Making a ‘deep fake’: How creating our own synthetic video helped us learn to spot one

By Hazel Baker, Reuters,  11-Mar-2019

Fighting the Reality of DeepFakes

By Rubina Madan Fillion, The Intercept, 2019 Nieman Lab Predictions

Other use cases

How to cover 11,250 elections at once: Here’s how The Washington Post’s new computational journalism lab will tackle 2020

By Christine Schmidt, Nieman Lab, 25-Jul-2019

IBM’s Wimbledon-watching A.I. is poised to revolutionize sports broadcasts

By Luke Dormehl, Digital Trends, 18-Jul-2019 

Facial recognition, subtitling automation and datasets: how Sky News uses AI to unburden journalists

By Jacob Granger,, 14-May-2019

Springer Nature publishes its first machine-generated book

Springer Nature Blog press release, 2-Apr-2019

Forbes is building more AI tools for its reporters

By Max Willens, DigiDay UK,  3-Jan-2019

Announcing the Quartz AI Studio, designed to help journalists use machine learning

By John Keefe, Quartz, 20-Nov-2018

How The New York Times Uses Software To Recognize Members of Congress

By Jeremy Bowers, The New York Times,  6-Jun-2018

New York Times: Using AI to host better conversations

By CJ Adams, The Keyword, Google blog, 23-May-2018

Reuters’ new automation tool wants to help reporters spot the hidden stories in their data

By Ricardo Bilton, Nieman Lab,  12-Mar-2018

Hear the one about the robot director? BBC lets AI film comedy and music shows

By Patrick Sawer, The Telegraph,  16-Dec-2017

The future of news is humans talking to machines

 By Trushar Barot, Nieman Lab,  18-Sep-2017

Microsoft and BBC experiment with an iPlayer TV service that listens to you

By Tom Warren, The Verge,  2-Aug-2017

Making the Internet of Things work for journalism

By Francesco Marconi, AP, 14-Jul-2016

AI and the business of journalism

Artificial Intelligence-enhanced journalism offers a glimpse of the future of the knowledge economy

By Nick Diakopoulos, The Conversation, 11-Jun-2019

Time titles halve digital subscriber churn with tailored emails from AI named ‘James’

By Charlotte Tobitt, PressGazette, 27-May-2019

AI isn’t taking journalists’ jobs. It is making them smarter and more efficient

By Jim Flink, Reynolds Journalism Institute, 9-Apr-2019

Addressing Micro-Audiences at Scale

By T. Plattner & D. Orel, Tamedia,  1-Feb-2019

How Swiss news publisher NZZ built a flexible paywall using machine learning

By Lucinda Southern, Digiday UK,  19-Jun-2018

AI, ethics and journalism

Responsible Machine Learning in the Public Interest

By Rhianne Jones, BBC R&D,  2018

Financial Times tool warns if articles quote too many men

Jim Waterston, The Guardian, 14-Nov-2018

We Let Tech Companies Frame the Debate Over AI Ethics. That Was a Mistake.

By Robert Hart, Undark, 1-Nov-2018

Discussing the ethics, challenges, and best practices of machine learning in journalism

By Marianne Bouchart, Data Journalism Awards,  25-Jun-2018

AI for the good of society

By Ali Shah, BBC News,  21-May-2018

What is the role of journalists in holding artificial intelligence accountable?

By Francesco Marconi, Wall Street Journal,  21-May-2018

How digital leaders from the BBC and Al Jazeera are planning for the ethics of AI

By Christine Schmidt, Nieman Lab,  19-Mar-2018

As AI enters newsrooms, journalists have urgent responsibility

By Nausicaa Renner, CJR,  16-Jun-2017

BuzzFeed’s pro tennis investigation displays ethical dilemmas of data journalism

By Nicholas Diakopoulos, Columbia Journalism Review,  16-Nov-2016

How Machines Learn to Be Racist
By ProPublica,  19-Oct-2016

About the author

Charlie Beckett

Posted In: JournalismAI