Professor Bernadette Hayes and Dr John Nagle have compiled a reading list following their recent article on LGBT rights in Northern Ireland, for those interested in researching the topic further.
Further reading:
Equality Commission for Northern Ireland. (2011) Do You Mean Me? Belfast: Equality Commission.
Hayes, B. and. McAllister, I. (2013) ‘Gender and Consociational Power-sharing in Northern Ireland’, International Political Science Review, 34(2),123-39.
Hayes, B.C. and. Nagle, J. (2015) ‘Ethnonationalism and Attitudes Towards Gay Rights in Northern Ireland’, Nations and Nationalism, 22(1):20-41.
Human Rights Watch (2015) Unequal and Unprotected Women’s Rights under Lebanese Personal Status Laws. New York: Human Rights Watch.
Jarman, N. and Tennant, A. (2003) An Acceptable Prejudice? Homophobic Violence and Harassment in Northern Ireland. Belfast: Institute for Conflict Research.
Nagle, J. and Clancy, M.C. (2010) Shared Society or Benign Apartheid? Understanding Peace-Building in Divided Societies. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Nagle, J. (2013) ‘‘Unity in Diversity”: Non-Sectarian Social Movement Challenges to the Politics of Ethnic Antagonism in Violently Divided Cities’, International Journal for Urban and Regional Research ,37(1),78-92.
Northern Ireland Life and Times Survey. 2012. Module: Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender (LGBT) Issues. Available from: (accessed 12 March 2015).
Puar. J. (2013) ‘Rethinking Homonationalism’, International Journal of Middle East Studies, 45(2),336-339.
Peterson, V.S. (1999) ‘Sexing Political Identities/Nationalism as Heterosexism’, International Journal of Feminist Politics, 1(1),34-65.
PSNI (2013) Trends in Hate Motivated Incidents and Crimes Recorded by the Police in Northern Ireland 2004/05-2012/13. Belfast: PSNI.
Sinn Féin (2013) ‘Moving On – A Policy for Lesbian, Gay and Bi-Sexual Equality’. Sinn Féin. Available from: (Accessed 12 March 2015).