Chris Gilson, Amy Mollett and Paul Rainford take a look at the week in political blogging.
The economy
Eoin Clarke at The Green Benches has 9 simple ways to reform profit taxes to reward good businesses, while John Redwood says that it is time to end the squeeze on the private sector by cutting taxes and regulations. Richard Murphy at Tax Research UK offers some relatively dire predictions for 2012, as the TUC’s Touchstone blog wonders if improved living standards are compatible with fiscal austerity. At Talk Carswell Douglas Carswell looks at an apparently failed Treasury growth policy of national insurance exemptions for certain businesses.
Richard Murphy, writing at Tax Research UK, suggests that there are some forms of tax avoidance that Cameron won’t tackle, and indeed, his Chancellor continues to promote it.
Stephen Lawrence verdict and sentencing
Paul Goodman at thetorydiary looks at David Cameron’s comments on the Stephen Lawrence verdict. Paul Waugh at Politics Home wonders if the police are still institutionally racist, even after the Lawrence inquiries.
Diane Abbott tweet scandal
Labour List discusses the furore over Diane Abbott’s allegedly racist tweet, as Samira Shackle at the Staggers comes to the Hackney MP’s defence. Left Foot Forward is not impressed with Abbott’s apology, but Laura Woodhouse at the F-word believes this is a non-story.
The parties
The Green Benches take a look at how close Ed Miliband is to being deposed as The Coffee House notes that every day is getting worse for the Labour leader (despite the support of his director of communications) while Michael Gove is crowned Conservative of 2011 by thetorydiary.
Alex Hern at Left Foot Forward finds that moving the Queen’s Speech from the Throne to May, may give the Coalition time to get four controversial bills through the House of Lords yet Nick Clegg’s hopes of a mansion tax are fading, according to the Staggers while the Coffee House previews the upcoming battle over the undeserving rich.
Labour List reckon that 2012 may be a bleak year, but Labour offers hope but George Eaton at the Staggers wonders what Labour’s new stance on welfare means, and Declan Gaffney at Left Foot Forward says that the party’s position on social security and disability is untenable. Peter Watt at LabourUncut says that Labour is a party for the workers, not those avoiding work.
Dave Hill looks at Ken Livingstone’s rejection of the New Year fare hike – one of his major points of departure from his rival, Boris Johnson and The Staggers looks at the implications of the election for Ed Miliband and Labour nationally. Liberal Democrat Voice looks at the Northern Ireland Liberal Democrats, the forgotten family member of the Lib Dems.
Labour List wonders where the elder statesmen in British politics are.
And finally…
John Redwood takes a long look at what’s wrong with our town centres.
At Liberal Democrat Voice, Mark Pack investigates what’s better for a candidate to have, a blog or a website?
Ed Jacobs at Left Foot Forward looks at how Northern Ireland can achieve reconciliation in 2012.