Gleen Greenwald of The Guardian asks “How can one create a definition of “terrorism” that includes Wednesday’s London attack on this British soldier without including many acts of violence undertaken by the US, the UK and its allies and partners?”
Rafael Behr of the New Statesman argues that ‘Loongate’ shows that Tory MPs want to be insulted by Cameron in order to justify perpetual rebellion against him.
Simon Nixon spells out how the Bank of England’s outgoing governor, Mervyn King has failed in his battle against British banks, seeing this as resulting from the “problematic relationship between Mr. King and the U.K. Treasury”.
Alex Warsnip, writing on the Prospect Magazine blog, reviews a book that tries to make the secular case against gay marriage. He finds that their arguments “are no less flimsy than those of other anti-gay marriage crusaders”.
David Miliband, writing on the Project Syndicate site, criticizes the current UK direction with regards Europe.