Now in its fifth year, the Tata ISES internship scheme offers current LSE students the opportunity to do a two-month-long social enterprise, corporate social responsibility, environment or development-based project in India. In 2014, LSE has seven projects covering areas including entrepreneurship, healthcare, sustainability and gender-based self-help projects.
One previous intern described the Tata ISES as an “invaluable learning experience”, adding “not only does it give you a chance to get to know Indian culture from a local perspective, but also teaches you important lessons on the field of development.” Here’s how another recent intern described the experience:
Working on a green telecom project with TATA Teleservices has given me exposure to real challenges in meeting the demands of India’s booming telecom market. In my eight weeks of intensive research, dialogues with technological experts and on-site fieldwork, I produced a case study report of value to both the firm and community at large.
Applications are now open for internships that will commence in July 2014. The closing date for applications is Friday, 14 February 2014. Visit the Tata ISES website for further information about the scheme, projects and eligibility.