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January 15th, 2013

You are what you eat


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


January 15th, 2013

You are what you eat


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Right now, that’s cupcakes.

Having lived for a year in catered halls, I was delighted this year when upon moving into my lovely new home I also got a lovely little kitchen. Since then, I have made it a personal mission to make our house a home through the sweet aromas of baking. My culinary pursuits have been certainly been one way of attracting friends over! But it’s not all that selfless, there is an element of cooking which I find very therapeutic. You can switch off mentally, only needing to follow simple instructions. Unlike that 4000 word coursework piece, you can literally smell your success and devour it, all within an hour.

I might only be taking small steps but I feel like developing my cooking skills is really important for later on in life. I am getting to explore new tastes and flavours but as I am doing it from home, there’s no expensive bill to follow. What’s more, learning about my diet and getting in touch with how different foods affect the body has really helped me stay in tip top condition when my life at school gets hectic.

About the author


BA Geography

Posted In: Off Campus

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