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January 29th, 2013

LSE India Week Flashmob!


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


January 29th, 2013

LSE India Week Flashmob!


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


Pardon the long absence but I have been involved in two heavy duty activities – course selection and LSE India Week! More on course selection in my next post (which will be within this week, I promise!). Also, disclaimer: my ‘involvement’ with the India week consists of ‘Like’ing their Facebook page here and watching the students practice for and organise the various events which you can see at the Facebook page above.

The LSE India Week celebrates India (duh) and generates a discussion about all things Indian – serious and non-serious. It is a week long event with a mix of activities such as debates, discussions, seminars, fooding (!!), and an Indo-Pak cricket match!! (Last year I almost lost my voice cheering for India, which is why we won! 😀 )

BUT this year’s event started today with a bang – the first ever LSE India Flashmob!! It was right here at Houghton Street and quite a few of my friends participated (I did not, out of public interest). Here’s a small video of the event, the cameraman’s hand is a bit shaky but something is better than nothing yo!

PS: Well done guys!! Special mention: Batra and Jain! 😛

About the author


Master’s in Management (MiM)

Posted In: LSE

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