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January 29th, 2013

Redefining Student Stereotypes


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


January 29th, 2013

Redefining Student Stereotypes


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Moving to university for many is the first opportunity for them to take control of their lives. Now whilst the glamour of getting drunk, eating ready-meals and waiting until you have one pair of underwear left before you do the washing might be tempting for some, I prefer to opt for an alternative lifestyle.

Clubbing is not all it is cracked up to be. Entry fees, the inability to hold a conversation in the noise, expensive drinks, lost/ stolen phones and money and complicated routes home are enough to put me off. This weekend instead of heading to a grimy joint, I hosted a lovely dinner party for friends. It was great to try a new recipe which you can find on my Tumblr. Everyone seemed to enjoy it, it wasn’t too complicated/ expensive to cook and it’s vegetarian friendly! The meal was followed by a game of Articulate which was enough to get people standing up and shouting things at one another in their excitement (about that complaint from the neighbours- yes, well, errr…. sorry.)

Today I ran my first half a marathon. I chose the most inconvenient time suitable to head charging along South Bank- lunchtime on a Saturday. So I found myself weaving/ colliding with people clutching cups of coffee and children flying at my ankles on scooters. After going from Mornington Crescent to Tower Bridge and up to Big Ben, I then headed to St. James’ park. Having done some laps away from the crowds I ran homeward-bound via Piccadilly Circus, Leicester Square, Holborn and finally Mornington Crescent, where I dived into my ice bath! I can’t say how much I am enjoying this training, feeling physically fit makes such a difference to your mood. Doctors are always recommending to people who suffer from depression that exercise not only releases mood enhancing hormones but it helps you feel good about your figure, can make you feel less lethargic and that it is good for you to spend some time outdoors or engaged with others in team sports. It’s also great to have a goal which you are building up to, otherwise it can seem hard to get yourself out there on a freezing winter morning. Aside from the approaching date of the London Marathon in April, I am so excited about going back to Ghana and seeing my fundraising put into action. Should you wish to read about the cause for which I am running the marathon, feel free to take a look at my fundraising page.

About the author


BA Geography

Posted In: Off Campus

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