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March 13th, 2013

Hello Mr. Holmes!

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


March 13th, 2013

Hello Mr. Holmes!

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

We simply had to visit 221B Baker Street. I am not one of Sherlock Holmes’ ardent fans but I don’t mind reading him either. I had read one of his stories as a part of my syllabus in school and that’s when I was first introduced to his character. Some of my friends here added to my very poor general knowledge about the television adaptation Sherlock, by constantly drooling over a certain Benedict Cumberbatch whom I had never even heard of till that day. And since we are not too far from Baker Street, we decided that we had to make the famous trip.

It’s a very central location and any of the tubes will take you to Baker Street. On a gloomy day, a friend and I set out to the museum. The dark and cloudy weather so typical in the city went well with the detective mood we were in, adding to that mysterious aura we were trying so hard to create.  The main entrance to the museum had a lovely guard who very kindly showed us to the next door, which was the souvenir shop. One can purchase their tickets here and they cost 6 pounds for adults. The souvenir shop is extremely quaint and deliciously warm and cozy with a small sofa thrown in for tired bones to rest a while. My friend is an absolute lover of all things related to Sherlock and it was quite a task to get her to move away from the souvenirs to the main museum.

The house has three stories and has been wonderfully created. Every room that we entered had signs of habitation and one could be forgiven for believing that it was a real house that we had entered. There’s one thing to keep in mind though, which is that almost every thing in the house is synonymous with some character from different stories. In that case, it might not be as interesting because you wouldn’t be able to identify the significance of certain things as I couldn’t. Personally, I am not very knowledgeable about Mr. Holmes. However, my friend more than made up for it by describing each artifact in detail. The best part of the museum tour is the top floor where you have a nice, big bathroom with a slanting roof, a window with lovely frilly curtains and what seemed to be an attic. Infact, I think there were some suitcases kept there for authenticity sake 😀

I wasn’t overly impressed with the tour and feel that I could have avoided it. I mean no offense to my dear friends who love Holmes. Nevertheless, I happily signed my name in the guest book, perfectly content to be a part of history for the future 🙂


About the author


MSc International Employment Relations and Human Resource Management.

Posted In: Off Campus

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