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July 2nd, 2013

I saw a see hawk at the Saw Swee Hock Centre (repeat 10 times!)


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


July 2nd, 2013

I saw a see hawk at the Saw Swee Hock Centre (repeat 10 times!)


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

The title may sound like a tongue-twister but it is an LSE inspired tongue twister!

I am talking about the new student centre being built at LSE in a building called the Saw Swee Hock Centre (no kidding!) This building is under construction and scheduled for completion later this year, right after I graduate! 🙁

But, it will be the first new building constructed at LSE for about 40 years although LSE has continued to add new infrastructure like the New Academic Building (where most of my classes are held!) and the super impressive 32 Lincoln’s Inn Fields building. The Saw Swee Hock Centre is being constructed in place of the St. Phillips building which was torn down sometime in 2011.

I have to admit I am quite excited about the new building which will house a sorely needed fitness centre, a careers centre, group study spaces, a terrace top café, a student bar and a party venue to possibly replace the Quad. Considering that it is just across the street from the NAB, it will complement the facilities at the NAB beautifully, where sometimes, finding a place to study can be difficult.

The building will of course be fitted with the super reliable LSE IT infrastructure and with systems being updated to Office 365 soon, students are going to find it hard to live in a less IT-enabled environment post-university!

Here’s a small fly-through video of the building. Prospective students, feel lucky!!


About the author


Master’s in Management (MiM)

Posted In: LSE | News

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