I am back at LSE and this only the first week but I am already worrying about tonnes of reading I have to get through, the paper that is due next week and who I will be paired with in the group project. My back hurts (probably due to stress) my eyes are starting to roll back in my head after staring at my laptop for such a long period of time uninterrupted. The list of issues and problems is endless. In short it feels like I never left…
At the same time, a part of me is actually glad to be back at university, yes I could have used another week of break just to soak up the up the sun, get some more beauty sleep and squeeze in more time with family. I am also glad to see my friends, take part in interesting and stimulating conversations, walk out of my building and wonder if it’s going to snow (I just love snow, I’m weird like that), eat at my favourite restaurants, and visit all the places I couldn’t go to last semester…
You ask, so why do I care? What is she rambling about? What I am trying to say is that you might not be ready to wake up early once again but there is a silver lining to this cloud, you just have to open your eyes to it.
Happy Lent Semester!