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Wajeeha Mohsin

January 23rd, 2014

Going back home


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Wajeeha Mohsin

January 23rd, 2014

Going back home


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

As I sit here with the title of the blog ‘Going back home’, for a few seconds I am unsure whether I want to write about my trip from London to my hometown Lahore or about my  journey from Lahore to London. This makes me realize that in three short months I have started to view my studio in central London as ‘home.’

I have always lived in the suburbs of the city where it is so quiet at night that sometimes I would swear hear my own thoughts as if I had been thinking them aloud. So when I moved to London and chose to stay close to the LSE campus, someone said it’s going to be like living in the old city – you are not going to like it. Well, they were wrong. I like it very much. However it’s not the London that is always full of tourists that I like. The London that I like exists only on Sunday mornings before anyone even thinks of heading to the shopping district. This is the time when I can walk around The Marble Arch with a cup of coffee in my hand pondering over the design and history of the buildings that stand in front of me.  This is the time when I can walk to the place that has been mentioned so many in historical novels, the place that I walk by every day, the place in which I feel deep within, I am where my favourite heroes and heroines were a long time ago – that would be the boring old High Holborn for you.

This is my part of London. The London that exists only when most are still asleep, the London that I enjoy every bit as much as the one that’s not mine (the one where everyone is awake and is in rush to get somewhere).

Now that this blog has turned into something about what I like In London instead of my journey anywhere, I should perhaps change the topic. But I won’t because those early Sunday mornings, when I am the only person walking along the streets – this is when I feel at home – in London.


About the author

Wajeeha Mohsin

Posted In: LSE | News

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