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October 28th, 2014

Why LSE is truly a global institution


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


October 28th, 2014

Why LSE is truly a global institution


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

For every student, studying at the LSE is a dream. It is one of the world’s best institutions; LSE is the place where History is made every year. Graduates from LSE are a force to reckon with in the world. This is the place where we learn to believe that we are meant to conquer the world. And we will, because at LSE we are pursuing education to “know the causes of things”.

LSE is a wonderful place. I have met people from numerous nationalities till now, and everyone has different opinions and thoughts to share. I bumped into Italians at the Language center, ate breakfast with Singaporean and German friends, discussed Indian food with a Brazilian friend, went to a party and met Venezuelans, had a hot debate over nachos and beer with a fellow from Luxembourg. Over here, identities inter-mingle, not only symbolically but literally. Nobody is typecast here, we all have our own identities to live with and create.

In my home country, India, it is always interesting to meet people from different communities, since my country has over 28 different states and languages within the country. But very few people are fortunate enough to travel the world and move beyond the 28 language-zone barrier. At LSE, I’m literally travelling the world in 365 days. I am getting a first-hand account of political problems, solutions, laws and culture of almost every nation, by just going to University! I know that if there is an event at the Shaw library or a Fair, I will bump into someone new, who will teach me something new, and I will take back home another fond memory. That’s what LSE is maybe all about: the internationalism and the equality given to everyone under its roof!

At the LSE welcome presentation for postgraduates, the statistics shown to us were that more than 70% of graduate students are international students. And this kind of an atmosphere is something I have never seen anywhere else. Every day when I go to campus, I am sure that I will meet another new person, from a new country. Maybe the person sitting right in front of me is from Uganda, or France. Or maybe today I will meet someone from Trinidad! It’s an adventure. An adventure one never tires of.

These are perspectives which are first hand and will never make me form opinions about anyone. When classes begin, I am sure that there will be people from different nationalities who will enlighten the crowd about the actual situations in their country, tell us the “other” side of the press story.

I have just a year at LSE. But a year of cosmopolitanism to live with in the heart of London. I will never trade this for a hundred years anywhere else.

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