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January 28th, 2015

Lent Term 2015 – let’s make the most of it


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes


January 28th, 2015

Lent Term 2015 – let’s make the most of it


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

It’s 2015. As soon as Lent term starts at LSE, the library is open for a full twenty-four hours a day. This knowledge triggers that small voice at the back of your head, whispering: “Now’s the time to buckle down and own this year, buddy.” Then, within three months, the exam fever will hit campus and everyone will put their heads down and chain themselves to their desks. Guaranteed, there’s going to be sneaky, desk-stealing tactics going down for all the study spaces and many, many trips to Wright’s Bar for chips (essential exam fuel). It’s a long road till the summer.

And so, before that happens, I’m going to help you pin down five ways to make the most of this term.

  1. Go and see things in the city

If you haven’t braved the busy roads of London on a Boris Bike yet, why not give it a go? The river and the Southbank at this time of year is something I cannot recommend enough. Watch out for buses, though, and maybe think about investing in a bike helmet.

My favourite past time last year was night walks around the city with my halls friends. I even encourage you to get lost for a bit – that’s the way you’ll discover the unexpected.

  1. Vary up your study locations

The library is always crowded. On campus, my favourite study spots are the hidey-holes in the far flung buildings. So long as I’m near a cup of coffee, I’m good.

Sometimes, staying in one place all day gets me in a bit of a funk. Recently, I’ve been checking out the coffee shops near my hall and spending the odd afternoon studying there. As a reward, I get myself something sugary and chocolate filled.

  1. Try out some new LSE activities

It’s not too late to join up to any one of the numerous LSESU societies and clubs. Push yourself outside your comfort zone. The SU have been advertising a new set of Lent Term Give-It-A-Go sessions on their social media platforms.

This year, I’ve been involved with the London Globalist, an international journalism society. As a Maths and Economics undergrad, I don’t get much of an opportunity to explore all of my skills. Working with the Globalist has gotten me talking and writing about the world around me and it’s allowed me to break out of my quantitative shell.

  1. Volunteer

What a great way of getting out of your room and developing a new set of skills. This time last year, I spent my Saturdays in Lent Term tutoring GCSE Maths pupils as a volunteer. The school provided free muffins and coffee – so I’d say that there was adequate remuneration for getting up so early on the weekend. In all seriousness though, I’d have to say that volunteer tutoring was one of the highlights of 2014. I learned so much about myself and I got so much satisfaction from seeing the students improve week on week.

  1. Find ways of getting some down time in between all of the mayhem

Never forget to add some balance into your routine. Try not to get completely swept away by activities and academics. Read a book, go to a new museum, take a yoga class or get a massage. Scheduling in some ‘me-time’ every week is very important – try not to burn out before the exams even start.

Whatever you choose to do, I hope that you all have a fantastic Lent Term. Take care of yourself, work hard, have fun and have a jolly good time through it.

About the author


Posted In: Student life

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