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Kara Dunford

June 1st, 2015

Here in this City

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Kara Dunford

June 1st, 2015

Here in this City

1 comment

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Earlier this week, as I tore off the calendar page for 24 May, I was struck by a moment of disbelief. Strange as it may seem, 25 May, the marker of eight months living in London, had arrived. Time flies. A cliche by any definition, but a maxim that bears repeating. Tempus fugit.

No longer startled by greetings such as “you alright?”; no longer hesitant to offer directions to London landmarks, I’d like to think I’ve settled into somewhat of a groove here in this city.

So here I am, checking in after what can only be described as a whirlwind Lent term, on the brink of a week set to include three exams, reflecting on an exceptional, crazy, inspiring eight months here in this city.

Here in this city, I’ve studied media and communications alongside peers with diverse perspectives and interests.

Here in this city, my studies have been supplemented by trips to the BBC for Democracy Day and public lectures by speakers on topics ranging from women in politics to economic policy.

Here in this city, I’ve participated in an interfaith dialogue as part of the Faith Centre’s Faith and Leadership programme, an experience topped off by an invitation to Clarence House to meet longtime advocate of interfaith initiatives His Royal Highness Prince Charles (story to come!)

Here in this city, I’ve explored a vibrant cultural landscape, with study breaks such as museum visits and theatre excursions.

And it’s here in this city I’ll celebrate the end of my exams next Thursday, inching ever toward the completion of my Master’s degree.

Sure, at times the LSE experience has been a bit overwhelming, and in the day to day it can certainly be hectic. But in taking moments to reflect on my time here in this city as whole, it’s easy to be grateful for all it has afforded me.

I’m looking forward to continuing to share these stories with you. But for now: back to the books! 

About the author

Kara Dunford

Posted In: London life | Student life


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