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April 29th, 2020

3 Best Scenic Views in London

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


April 29th, 2020

3 Best Scenic Views in London

0 comments | 6 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

If there is one thing that London offers in abundance, then it is stunning panoramic views of the city. The skylines are an excellent way to explore the city and fall in love with its dreamy character. Here’s a shortlist of my favourite London views so far:

Sky Garden

It is difficult to miss out on this one as it often pops up as a must-visit site on most travel websites. Located at Fenchurch St, it provides a fantastic view. The entry to the place is free and is open all seven days of the week. However, book yourself way in advance (at least two weeks I’d suggest) since the place is jam-packed with tourists and locals coming in throughout the year. Once outside, you will be able to witness iconic sites such as The Shard, Tower Bridge, The Gherkin and The Cheesegrater.  If this was not enough, it also provides a lush indoor garden which adds to the overall vibrancy of the place. You should try the City Garden Bar (the desserts are absolutely delicious).

Primrose Hill

This serves as one of my favourite places amongst the million sites the city offers. It is perfect for a picnic, run, leisurely walk or even a romantic get-away. The summits of the hill give one of the most remarkable views of London’s Skyline. A sunny day would be ideal to plan a trip here, allowing you to move away from the madness of the busy city life. You can also visit the Camden Market nearby which offers cute little cafes and cool vintage stores.

Tate-Modern Viewing Level

In my six months in London, I had only heard of this place through a friend. But a trip here is a must as it gives a 360-degree view of the city. Located on the 10th floor of the Blavatnik Building you can see the River Thames, St Paul’s Cathedral and as far as Canary Wharf and Wembley Stadium. The building also has some excellent exhibitions, so art-lovers don’t forget to check it out.









About the author


Hey, lovely folks! I’m Sahima from India. At the moment, I am doing my master’s in International Relations from LSE. Most of the time, you will find me reading a book at the nearby cosy library. My favourite pieces of literature include The Great Gatsby, Dubliners and The Kite Runner. If I am not busy studying or debating over International Affairs, then I’ll be binge-watching Friends or The Office.

Posted In: London life

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