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June 2nd, 2020

An Update – Virtual Exams


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


June 2nd, 2020

An Update – Virtual Exams


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

As we push on into summer term, virtual exams are in full swing.  One down, two to go is what I told myself when I submitted my first exam earlier this week.  It’s an usual situation that we find ourselves in, but with that being said nothing about my first exam was unexpected or unusual.

While I wish we were able to go to LSE to take our exams in person, it turns out that the virtual exams aren’t that bad.  For my programme, our exams get released and we have a week to submit them.  It sounds like a lot of work if we have a week to do it, but the instructions said that the exam should not take more than four hours – which was a relief.

The reason I found this exam format not quite as daunting as I originally feared, is because our department and professors have been so open with us as to what to expect.  During our revision Zoom classes professors answered questions and walked us through what this process was going to look like.

I studied the same way I would have for an in-person exam and felt prepared to take on my short answer questions when I read them. There were no tricks, no surprises, and I felt confident handing in my final submission.

As for what my exam markers have to say about my response, I’ll find out soon enough. But overall, I’m happy with how my first exam went and feel confident about the next two getting released. (Even if they’re getting released on the same day).

Information for prospective students, applicants and offer holders on LSE’s response to COVID-19 can be found on our website.

About the author


My name is Brianna and I'm currently a master's student studying international social and public policy.

Posted In: #stillPartofLSE

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