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Anisa Zaman

February 1st, 2021

A Day In The Life Of A First Year Student

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Anisa Zaman

February 1st, 2021

A Day In The Life Of A First Year Student

0 comments | 1 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

With learning this academic year being predominantly online, there has been a greater need to schedule our time to make sure we are getting all our work done whilst also ensuring we have time to rest – and for any other responsibilities we may hold, whether that be a part-time job or cooking. This is definitely something I have experienced, so I thought I’d share what a typical Monday in my life looks like. I chose Monday as it’s the busiest day in the week for me and a day where I feel like I get a lot accomplished!


My week starts when my alarm goes off at 8am. This is something that hasn’t happened since we went into lockdown last March, however I’m very proud that so far this term I’m waking up this early! The next hour comprises of brushing my teeth, showering, having breakfast and getting ready for the day. If any chores need to be done then those are also completed in this time. Depending on when this is finished, I spend the time reading a book and reflecting on the material I will need for the day’s classes, until about 10am. The book I’m currently reading is Zadie Smith’s ‘White Teeth’, which is a great way to start my day. I then have two classes back to back until 12pm. 


After my class ends, I have a one hour meditation session. This is something new I have started this term, and is proving to be a way to release the stress of the previous week. Once that’s done, I take an hour out of my studies to complete any other chores and food shopping that may need to be done. Each week varies, but I may have Zoom meetings in the afternoon, which I then plan around the rest of my learning for the day. I spend the rest of the afternoon watching my geographical research lecture and completing the readings for it, ensuring I take the time to understand the content for my class the next day, especially as we’re focusing on data science.


My evenings vary the most. If I haven’t completed my readings then I’ll ensure it’s finished now. I’ll occasionally have a public lecture to watch or a university society event to attend. When I have completed the work I’m able to do without burning myself out, I’ll take time out to relax, spend time with my family and adjust my schedule depending on anything I perhaps wasn’t able to complete.


It is super important to take time out to relax and unwind. Reflecting on what works for you and ensuring you plan the week in advance is a way of making sure that nothing comes as a surprise to you at the last minute! Journaling is also something I have started this year, and it has been a great way for me to reflect upon my week, and use what I learn in the following week. Each day varies for each student and what they need to complete, so your schedule should solely revolve around what you personally need to do and your own commitments.

About the author

Anisa Zaman

A first year BA Geography student, interested in geopolitics and contemporary fiction.

Posted In: #stillPartofLSE | Student life | Study: Undergraduate

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