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Grant Golub

June 1st, 2021

Back on Campus After a Long Time Away


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Grant Golub

June 1st, 2021

Back on Campus After a Long Time Away


Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

For now and with COVID-19 precautions for staff and students, LSE’s campus is reopened after a long spring of COVID-19 lockdowns. While the COVID situation in the UK will continue to remain fluid for sometime, it is so great to be back on campus after what felt like ages away from it. With June and the summer upon us, it is so beautiful to be able to sit outside in Lincoln’s Inn Fields and have a chat with friends or enjoy the sun around campus.


LSE Centre Building (CBG)

When LSE started reopening campus in April, I was initially hesitant to start running back. Not because I didn’t think it would be safe, but because I wanted to remain abundantly cautious in those first weeks. At that point, I was still barely leaving my flat or venturing outside beyond getting the essentials. As the weeks progressed though, I started coming back to campus more often.

I appreciate how LSE is trying to keep things on campus both as safe yet normal as possible. The School has managed to strike a great balance between those two things. Having a robust testing regime in place is vital to ensure this, and LSE has done a fantastic job with its testing. Now with home testing kits available too, it is even easier to get tested to make sure it’s safe for you to come back to campus.


LSE Covid-19 Testing Centre in Connaught House on the corner of Houghton Street.

The School’s central location in London makes it a great meeting point for people who live all across London. Most of my LSE friends don’t live close to me, so it’s so nice to be able to see them on campus again to chat, work, and enjoy each other’s company. It’s a great change of pace after not seeing most people for so long, not only this spring, but really for much of the last 15 months.

It’s hopefully going to be a beautiful summer!


This post was written in early June 2021. See here for the latest UK government guidance on coronavirus. Find out more on LSE’s response to coronavirus here.

About the author

Grant Golub

My name is Grant Golub and I'm a PhD candidate in the Department of International History at LSE. My research focuses on US foreign relations and grand strategy, diplomatic history, and Anglo-American relations.

Posted In: #stillPartofLSE | Student life

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