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Sartsatat Junda

November 12th, 2021

In Search of International Study: How to Tell if London is Right For You

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Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Sartsatat Junda

November 12th, 2021

In Search of International Study: How to Tell if London is Right For You

1 comment | 3 shares

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

If you imagine London as a person, they are sure to be very diverse, colourful, and exciting.

At this time of year, you may start planning on your life, whether to pursue another academic degree or decide to study undergraduate outside your home country. It is indeed a good time to be alive, as they say. Because not only can we easily browse through and gain insight into the most excellent universities this planet has to offer, but the global pandemic that halted the world for more than a year has also receded.

And now everyone’s back on track again. So, upon your research into the academic opportunities, chances are London, or even other cities in the UK, came up as places of interest. This blog will help you decide whether London is just the right place for you (and it should be)!

1. You like the dynamic environment and atmosphere

If you imagine London as a person, they are sure to be very diverse, colourful, and exciting. Each season of the year, or even each month, features London as entirely different people.

In the summer, we’ve got long daytime with tons of outdoor activities to do, such as strolling in the park or popping into the open-air cinema!



When autumn comes, every tree in the cities will turn yellow or orange as the hype for Halloween spreads throughout the city, which I can assure you that Londoners take Halloween very seriously.


After that it is, of course, the best time of the year when winter arrives. As London is known to have one of the most fantastic Christmas decorations in the world, the Christmas trees will appear as soon as early November, and you can enjoy the Christmas décor and markets every weekend until the end of the year.

Finally, spring introduces the fresh start of the new year. As the weather becomes warmer and trees turn green again, there are flower shows and many gardens for you to enjoy. It is a fun time to start outdoor activities and embrace the coming summer. Stay tuned for future blogs for the breakdown detail of what to expect each month in this great capital city!

2. You want some (preferably free) world-class extracurricular activities

There are many reasons to love London, as the greatness of academic excellence be no less than the priority. However, if you want some extracurricular activities to go hand in hand with your educational journey, there is no place better than London to offer you just that.

London has multiple priceless (albeit free) museums that you can easily spend the entire day there, with the National Gallery, the British Museum and the Victoria and Albert Museum as top examples. In addition, if you enjoy the excellent stage performances and shows, London’s renowned theatreland or “The West End” offers you first-class performances that can easily compare with New York’s Broadway.

Moreover, for the nature enthusiast, you might find yourself surprised that you still can pursue the greenery sight even if you are in the heart of the bustling capital. London has many green spaces for its residents to relax and stroll down every time of the year. Be on the lookout for Hyde Park and Regents Park, two of the largest parks in Central London that feature numerous activities throughout the year. Again, stay tuned for future blogs that will take you to know both academic and extracurricular activities in great detail!

3. You love international cuisine

Last but certainly not least, if you enjoy the exotic and vibrant cuisine, you can spend the entire year in London but still literally not get a chance to try every great restaurant, both cheap and vice versa, that are ubiquitous in this city.

Soho or Chinatown offer a wide range of Chinese food, while burger lovers are guaranteed to have burger joints to satisfy their craving. Steak connoisseurs can also find some juicy meat here, and ethnic cuisines are on every corner of the street. More importantly, London is the city that is friendly to the vegan and vegetarian as almost every restaurant has a menu that caters to everyone’s needs. Stay tuned for future blogs, as you will be indulged by the savoury cuisine all over London in greater detail!

About the author

Sartsatat Junda

I'm an accountant-turned-IT postgraduate student from Thailand with a passion for exploring and immersing myself in the LSE and everything London has to offer. My interests and hobbies vary, with a focus on board games, gaming, and films!

Posted In: Study Abroad


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