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March 22nd, 2022

Why you should choose Butler’s Wharf Residence

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


March 22nd, 2022

Why you should choose Butler’s Wharf Residence

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

If you are a master’s student looking for accommodation in London, you may be spoilt for choice. There is a plethora of options ranging from private flats, University of London halls, LSE mixed halls and postgrad-only halls. Butler’s Wharf Residence is one of the few LSE postgrad halls and in what follows I aim to convince you to choose it over any other accommodation.

One of the most obvious advantages of living in Butler’s Wharf is its location. It is smack dab in the heart of central London, a stone’s throw from the magnificent Tower Bridge. River Thames also flows very close and if you are someone who enjoys a blissful saunter after a long day full of swotting, this is your ideal residence hall. If a friend comes to visit you in London, you can just ask them to come to Tower Bridge, saving them the ordeal of trying to locate a remote address.

Secondly, Butler’s Wharf is one of the most affordable LSE halls. There are individual and twin rooms with shared kitchen and bathrooms. The fare is perhaps surprisingly low for a lodging based in such an iconic location. If you intend to steer clear of paying eye-watering sums as rent, this is a relatively cheaper option. You will have more money to spend on food, drinks and travel.

Thirdly, and this is related to the first point, this residence hall enjoys close proximity to some of the most attractive spots in London. Besides, the Tower Bridge, the Tower of London, the Millenium Bridge and the St. Paul’s Cathedral are all close-by. You can also find much more than tourist attractions around the neighbourhood. Supermarkets, libraries, bus stops and tube stations are all within walking distance.

Fourthly, Butler’s Wharf is home to a strong LSE postgraduate community. You will meet a lot of people from around the world with various backgrounds. Especially if you have worked before your master’s degree and would not feel at home living amidst undergraduates, this hall would help you connect with lots of other fellow master’s students. The culture here is very communal and you learn to live amicably with one another. Gradually, a strong sense of community develops here and you would begin to identify with your cohort.

Fifthly, the management of this hall frequently conducts engaging events, especially during festive seasons like Christmas, Deepawali and the Lunar New Year. There are pizza evenings, free drinks at Dean’s Swift (the pub next door), movie nights with popcorn and much more from time to time. So you will get plenty of opportunities to socialise and make new friends. And also, the hall is very international, reflecting the composition of the LSE, and you get the opportunity to observe other cultures up-close. In my flat, for instance, no two people are from the same country. This would broaden your mind and enlarge your understanding of the world in general.

There is also a quaint little study space down in the basement with computers and printers. If you are feeling too languorous to put on your shoes and head to campus, you will find solace in the computer room or the much larger common room, where you can do your readings and write your essays without taking the trouble of travelling to the library.

I hope the foregoing rundown has convinced you to choose Butler’s Wharf for your accommodation. But I must point out two other facts which you might also want to consider whilst making your decision. Firstly, although this hall is warm and snug, it is not necessarily sumptuous. If you grew up living in luxury, there is a good chance that you would find this place to be rather spartan. Secondly, if you do not particularly enjoy cooking, this may not be the right place for you. Butler’s Wharf is a self-catered hall and you have to cook your own meals. But if cooking is not too much of a chore for you, then you should be fine.

I hope you found all the information you need to decide whether Butler’s Wharf would suit you. Good luck with finding the best accommodation!

About the author


Aditya hails from Tamil Nadu and studies MSc International Relations at the LSE.

Posted In: Accommodation

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