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Sofia Gerace

April 7th, 2022

Three False Stereotypes about LSE

1 comment | 1 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Sofia Gerace

April 7th, 2022

Three False Stereotypes about LSE

1 comment | 1 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Before applying to LSE, I did a lot of research about the university. I could not avoid coming across many of the stereotypes about student life at LSE. Now, at the end of my master’s degree, I can certainly demystify three stereotypes about life at the School.

  1. Everyone is very competitive: False

The people I met at LSE are definitely ambitious. However, rather than competing with you, they will encourage you to do better every day! Personally, I did not experience any toxic competition here at LSE. On the contrary, I met people who help each other with essays, presentations, cover letters, job applications and so on! You are going to share your student experience with people that are as clever as you are and who do not need to compete with you to prove that.

  1. Students tend to socialise with people from their country: False

Before coming to LSE, I remember reading about LSE students socialising only with people who spoke their language and who came from their country. However, I had a very different experience! LSE is such an international place and friends’ groups tend to reflect the international aspect of the university with students coming from every corner of the world. While it is inevitable to meet people from your country, you will be able to make very international friends. For example, in my group of friends, students come from Italy, France, Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands!

  1. There is no time for social life: False

It is not true that LSE students do not have a social life. While studying at LSE is a great commitment, and you will spend a lot of time at the library, there is always going to be time for a pint at the pub, for a night out or for a walk around the city! If you do not know where to start because you have never lived in London and you do not know that many people, here is my advice: you can start by attending the events organised by LSE LIFE! You will be able to meet many other students while becoming a London expert.

About the author

Sofia Gerace

I'm Sofia, an italian student at the LSE. Apart from being passionate about my MSc in Political Economy of Europe, I enjoy learning foreign languages, visiting new countries, and writing stories about my life as international student.

Posted In: Student life


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