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Sarah Schaible

April 26th, 2022

My Visit to London’s Sky Garden

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Sarah Schaible

April 26th, 2022

My Visit to London’s Sky Garden

0 comments | 1 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Before you go

In terms of logistics, there were a couple of things to pay attention to before going. Note, however, that I visited Sky Garden during January 2022 and any rules I had to follow are always subject to change.

At the moment, Sky Garden requires you to book a ticket before your visit. It is completely free and you simply need to select a time slot. As far as I know, they also allow spontaneous walk-ins sometimes, but it seems a lot easier to simply book the ticket that guarantees you entry within the hour of the booking time. Slots didn’t seem to be overbooked since we only got our tickets a few days before the visit and there was still lots of availability.

Apart from that, I needed to make sure to have done an NHS COVID test within 48 hours of my visit. This is because I didn’t receive my COVID-19 vaccines in the UK and entry was conditional on me showing my digital NHS COVID Pass.

When you arrive

When we first got there, the queue to get in seemed quite long. It ended up moving fast, though, so don’t worry if there seem to be a lot of people – it only took us around ten minutes to get inside.

When entering, you need to show your tickets as well as the COVID Pass, as already mentioned. If you don’t have vaccines on your NHS record, simply click on ‘Domestic’ when accessing the Pass in the App, which displays your most recent test and is valid for venues in the UK (as opposed to international travel).

All that is left is an airport-style security check to show what you are carrying in your pockets and then you will be good to go.

The experience

Having made it inside successfully, it was time to head into the lifts that took us up to the 35th floor. At the top, you get to walk straight into the garden. The interior is lovely, and the views are obviously fantastic. I have included some pictures to give you an idea of what it looks like – and I can confirm it is even better in person!

Apart from getting an amazing 360 view of all the London landmarks, you can also see some of the other skyscrapers up close, which I found impressive. Besides, Sky Garden is a great spot for a cocktail on a special occasion, though they are slightly pricier than most cocktail bars.

My verdict

Take this blog as a sign to plan your visit to Sky Garden! I would recommend anyone to come here, not to mention the entry is completely free, so you don’t have to spend any money on the experience. It is a great spot to bring visiting friends and family to show them the city at one glance. But even for someone who knows London well, the change of perspective has an impressive wow factor. Personally, I am almost certain I will come back, perhaps in the summer to enjoy the views of London in the sun.


This post was written in February 2022. See here for the latest UK government guidance on coronavirus. Find out more on LSE’s response to coronavirus here.

About the author

Sarah Schaible

Hi, I'm Sarah! I am an LSE BA Anthropology and Law graduate and a current LLM student.

Posted In: London life

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