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Li Xuan

May 22nd, 2022

More time revising, less time on household chores

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Li Xuan

May 22nd, 2022

More time revising, less time on household chores

0 comments | 1 shares

Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

The current stresses of the exam season have left me unable to keep up with the home cleaning routine that I usually abide by. Therefore, I’ve had to find some ways to “do more with less” so here are some tips on how I find time to artificially create a spick and span feeling to ensure that my accommodation does not become inhospitable.

Toilet tablets are your best friend

They may be a pricier option than if you went for the conventional liquid toilet cleaner. However, in crucial moments like this where you probably need to make time savings instead of cost-based ones. Just drop one into your toilet bowl before you leave the house for a revision session and by the time you come back, it would have done wonders without you needing to put in any extra effort. Plus, this is only a short and temporary switch. You can purchase these widely in supermarkets.

Keep a disinfectant spray handy

No need for fancy air fresheners or dehumidifiers that require frequent replacing or maintenance and not to mention can easily break the bank, one of these will do the same trick in seconds for just £1.50 while making sure surfaces are free from nasty allergens, bacteria, viruses, etc.

Time your tasks strategically

Before you’re about to start doing some work, pop all your laundry into the washing machine and let it run simultaneously and you’ll have ticked two things off your to-do list when the timer goes off. The time spent waiting for your laundry to dry in the dryer might seem like forever, but you can easily save 10 minutes just by throwing in a dry fluffy towel. By doing so, moisture is absorbed and the process is sped-up although don’t forget to take the towel out of the dryer after 10 to 15 minutes!

Another thing to remember is to vacuum at the end to avoid re-dusting your furniture as all the furniture’s dust falls to the floor.

Clean as you go

Get into the habit of rinsing the sink after brushing your teeth and consider storing cleaning wipes or a clean, damp cloth on standby for any accidental spills, leakages, or frequently used areas.

About the author

Li Xuan

A Malaysian Borneo native studying MSc Environment and Development. Given my multicultural upbringing, I speak 6 languages which is partly why I chose the LSE and its very international student body! I'm also a R'n'B/soul/jazz fanatic.

Posted In: Accommodation

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