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Sankirtana Kumar Tharamel

June 22nd, 2022

How I chose my accommodation – top tips for choosing something that works for you – Part II


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

Sankirtana Kumar Tharamel

June 22nd, 2022

How I chose my accommodation – top tips for choosing something that works for you – Part II


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

The “accommodation hunt” season is now upon us! With a massive inflow of students arriving in the UK very soon, housing is in demand. This blog explores different aspects that you should consider as you choose student accommodation. In Part I of this blog, I spoke about choosing private vs student accommodation, making a list of priorities, price points and budgets. In the second blog of this series, I explore a few other important aspects to consider while selecting accommodation.

4) Location

This is an aspect I did not consider and wish I had. I personally lucked out with an accommodation right in the heart of London, but that was not necessarily by design. As London is divided into zones, it is worthwhile choosing a zone to live in (based on the priorities and price points set in Part I). Given that my interest was to spend money on accommodation rather than travel, I put on a filter that limited the distance of the accommodation from LSE. This naturally meant that all the accommodation I looked at was well within Zone 1, in the heart of London.

One might also consider the accommodation’s proximity to shops, restaurants, friends and family, or even emergency services nearby. Again, all of these depend on each individual’s priorities and needs and have to be customised.

5) Prioritised expenditure

It is important to answer the question “what would I rather spend my money on?”. There will most certainly be times when a tradeoff has to be made. In my case, I found great accommodation in London very early on in my accommodation hunt, but the places were quite far from LSE. I worked out the travel costs (as well as time and energy spent on traveling) and compared the sum total with good accommodation closer to LSE, and the price worked out to be the same. Although some of the farther ones were catered, I traded that off for location and proximity to LSE (and yes, I accounted for grocery expenses as I made this decision).

6) Go with your gut

At the end of the day, it all comes down to us as individuals and how we handle situations. So remember to trust your gut and choose the accommodation that ultimately “feels” right. A cliché? Yes. True? Also yes.

This brings us to the end of Part II. All the very best in your pursuit and I hope you book an accommodation that suits you best!

For more information about LSE student accommodation visit our website.

About the author

Sankirtana Kumar Tharamel

Hi! I am Sanku. You will mostly find me dancing my legs off, pouring over a book, or just deeply engaged in conversation. An engineering graduate and STEM girl at heart, I have been exploring the development sector for greater than half a decade now, and hope to continue this line of work after my MSc in Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship.

Posted In: Accommodation

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