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July 27th, 2022

Completing a dissertation in London: my favourite writing spots

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


July 27th, 2022

Completing a dissertation in London: my favourite writing spots

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

I cannot believe my dissertation is due in just over a month. I still remember the first meeting I had with my supervisor where she told me I had too many ideas and needed to find a focus. Ten months and several readings later, I feel like I have only gotten more ideas and less focus. I am still not sure how I am going to produce this mammoth of a project, but I cannot possibly read anymore so I have decided to give a stab at writing the dissertation. Since reading up for my literature review had me holed up at the library and my room, I have decided to find interesting spots all over London to write my dissertation. I am hoping this will make the task less intimidating and help me structure my time as I can step out in the morning and come home in the evening after a complete day of work.

  1. LSE Campus: This may seem obvious, but the hustle-bustle of term time makes it so that you hardly ever visit buildings or spaces where you do not have classes. Hence, I have been making it a point to use a different part of campus every time I go in. So far, I have found the breakout space in 32 Lincoln Inn Fields has the most comfortable chairs. I had not had the chance to visit LSE’s newest Marshall Building and now that I have it has become my favorite study spot. Since it has an open floor plan, it feels like studying in the library except less formal. Even the personal study booths are widely spaced out and almost allow you to feel like you are a part of an office environment.
  2. Wellcome Collection: The reading room in this museum located on Euston Road is probably one of the most amazing places I have ever been to. You can find it on the second floor and in addition to finding some amazing artefacts, you also have access to free wifi! I love writing here because after an hour or so of productivity I can reward myself by looking at the fascinating historical trinkets. I do believe that the reading room is available to rent out for big groups, so I suggest checking on availability if you decide to pay a visit.
  3. Barbican Centre: I visited the Barbican Centre when my parents were visiting me in London. They are both lovers of the performing arts and apparently the Barbican Centre is the largest performing arts center in Europe. For me, as soon as I saw the beautiful fountains and the lake, I knew I had to come back here to write. I had one of my most productive writing sessions sitting by the lake and I am still not sure why. Perhaps it was being surrounded by other creative minds or simply the water sparking some sort of creative awakening in me. I chose the Barbican Centre because it is only ten minutes from where I live but there are several similar riverside/lakeside spots in London which can be great to stir some creative juices in your mind.

About the author


My name is Ragini and I am a masters student in the department of International History. I am intersted in studying South Asian history, particularly Indian history. I also grew up in Delhi so I love living in London because I feel right at home amidst all the noise and commotion.

Posted In: Student life

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