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September 30th, 2022

Suddenly it was Reading Week: my first month in London


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


September 30th, 2022

Suddenly it was Reading Week: my first month in London


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

I arrived in London around mid-September 2021 but I had to quarantine so I began exploring the city only towards the end of September. This was perfect, because I made it just in time for Welcome week at LSE. I spent my first few days around the LSE campus, attending Welcome week events and just checking out the campus in general. Hence, by the time my classes started, I had a fairly decent idea of how to get to them. I did my undergrad at Warwick University and lived in Leamington Spa so commuting to campus was not new to me. However, experiencing London traffic was certainly not something I had done before so I had to strategically plan when to take the tube and when I could afford to take the bus. While the tube cuts down on travel time by a fair amount, I love sitting on the top deck of the iconic red buses. The route from my accommodation to LSE goes via the Tower of London and St. Paul’s Cathedral, hence despite living here for almost a year now, I still take the bus to campus once in a while just so I can sit on the top deck and admire the sites.

Once I got a hang of the tube and the buses, I felt a lot more confident navigating London. I was using Google Maps for the longest time but when there were tube strikes, my friend told me to download Citymapper as it shows routes which are not effected by the strike. There are many apps you can use to navigate around London but if you are confused on which one to download, just start with Google Maps. It will help you get a basic understanding of the main train lines and buses around your area and you can change to a different app later depending on your individual navigating requirements. I do wish somebody would have told me how pointless ubers are in London since the tube will get you anywhere faster and for much cheaper. So while you are trying to figure out your budget in your first few months, stay away from ubers because you will regret spending money on them once you figure out the public transport system.

I had started settling into classes when suddenly it was Reading Week. I was surprised at how fast five weeks had gone by. At the same time, when I looked back at all that had happened, I realised what a hectic month it had been. I had moved to a new city, settled into a new accommodation, started attending a new university, and started studying for a new degree. Hence, while it did seem like Reading Week came out of the blue, it was a welcome break. It gave me time to organise my work for the rest of the term and I also managed to fit in a short trip to Rotterdam for my friend’s birthday. Although people complain about how early it gets dark in the winter, in October there are Halloween decorations all around you to lift your spirits and from November onwards the whole city is lit up like a Christmas tree. It can be challenging to keep up with academic work while trying to settle in a new city, but at the same time, it is a real treat to be able to pursue a degree you love in a city as lively as London.



About the author


My name is Ragini and I am a masters student in the department of International History. I am intersted in studying South Asian history, particularly Indian history. I also grew up in Delhi so I love living in London because I feel right at home amidst all the noise and commotion.

Posted In: Student life

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