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Thu Nga

April 2nd, 2023

How to deal with homesickness

1 comment | 1 shares

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

Thu Nga

April 2nd, 2023

How to deal with homesickness

1 comment | 1 shares

Estimated reading time: 5 minutes

For many of you, going to university would be the first time you have spent that long away from your family and friends back home, and I agree. One moment you are eating with your family and enjoying your favourite dishes, the next you are grinding away in your dorm trying to submit an essay on time. Homesickness is something that all students struggle with but here are some ways to help you cope with it!

Call your loved ones

Thanks to modern technological advancements, your “home” is only a few clicks away. You can call them spontaneously whenever you miss them but also, perhaps set up a weekly video call session to talk about the most mundane things: what your friends did over the weekend, how your pet is doing, and so on. Texting them on a daily basis is also a great way to feel connected to your loved ones. 

Eat your national cuisine

For me, homesickness is missing the culture and traditions that your country celebrates, especially during national holidays like Independence Day, Lunar New Year, and other festivals. Look for local activities that you can participate in or even LSE societies that may organise events for those holidays. Furthermore, London is a gigantic cultural hub so, certainly, you can find some national dishes that will ease your homesickness.

Be active

Keep your day busy with school societies and meet up with friends to distract you from your homesickness. Taking part in sports and physical activities can help you take your mind off and boost your mood. It also gives you an opportunity to meet new people and feel less “out of place”. By talking to other people, you may realise that there are others who are homesick and you can give and receive emotional support.

Recognise that homesickness is normal

Being at university and missing your family and friends is completely normal. In fact, it only shows how much you care about your loved ones. Although it may take some time to adjust to a new environment, homesickness does get better with time as you get to know more and more people to help you adapt!

About the author

Thu Nga

Hello! My name is Emily Nguyen and I am a First Year BSc Environment and Development student at LSE. I'm always available for help so just drop a comment!

Posted In: Student life


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