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Thu Nga

June 14th, 2023

Tips for a smooth, moving-out day from Bankside House


Estimated reading time: 18 minutes

Thu Nga

June 14th, 2023

Tips for a smooth, moving-out day from Bankside House


Estimated reading time: 18 minutes

Moving out can be a stressful process, but with some planning and organisation, you can make it smoother. Here are some tips to help you swiftly move out of Bankside House:
  1. Plan ahead: Start planning and preparing for your move well in advance. This stage will help you visualise the actions that need to be taken to move out, like packing, donating items or even re-selling certain items. Creating a timeline, making a to-do list, and setting deadlines for such tasks can provide a clear guideline as to what has to be done by what time.
  2. Declutter and organise: Before you start packing, go through your belongings and declutter. Get rid of items you no longer need or use. Organise your belongings into categories to make packing and unpacking easier. At Bankside House, the ResLife team kindly provides students with several British Heart Foundation donation boxes located in the basement (Table Tennis room) where any unwanted items will be donated to charity. Consequently, not only are students promoting sustainability but also a positive cause.
  3. Arrange for help: The moving process may look different for every student. If you live in the UK, your friends and family members may play a pivotal role in helping you move. Perhaps your parents can help you store your items over the summer or your friends have a long-term contract and are willing to keep your things. Thus, don’t hesitate to ask them for help! If necessary, consider hiring professional movers to handle the heavy lifting. Alternatively, if “home” is far away for you and you want to store certain non-perishable items here, there are many services that you can check out like LOVESPACE. LSE may even provide you with a discount code! 
  4. Clean, clean and more cleaning: Remember to gather all your items and leave your room as clean as possible, just as you had found it in September! If any belongings are found by the housekeeping teams, you may be charged and risk losing your security deposit if cleaning or waste removal is needed, or, if you have caused any damage to the room.
  5. Double-check everything: Before you leave your room, double-check the room, closets, and storage spaces to ensure you haven’t left anything behind. Also, you might want to take some photos for reference, just in case you are charged with anything you didn’t cause.
  6. Take care of yourself: Moving can be physically and emotionally draining, so remember to take breaks, eat well, stay hydrated, and get enough rest. It’s essential to prioritise your well-being during this process. Catered meals at Bankside House will continue until the day you move out so make sure to enjoy your last few fruit bowls and hot chocolates at Bankside House!

For more information, check out the LSE Accommodation team’s Top tips for checking out of your room in LSE halls.

By following these tips, you’ll be well-prepared for a smooth moving-out day. Good luck with your move!

About the author

Thu Nga

Hello! My name is Emily Nguyen and I am a First Year BSc Environment and Development student at LSE. I'm always available for help so just drop a comment!

Posted In: Accommodation

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