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July 14th, 2023

How I’m surviving through writing a dissertation


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


July 14th, 2023

How I’m surviving through writing a dissertation


Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

If you are part of a programme that requires you to write a dissertation as part of your course requirements, I feel for you. As someone who is also going through the exhausting process of writing a dissertation, I want to share my experience in the hopes that it helps you write yours.

I decided to spend the summer in London, in my student accommodation, because I wanted to make sure I was away from any distractions and in the most productive environment to finish the dissertation before time. Having said that, I have understood that I’m not the most productive person when I’m working from my room so every day I go to a library, café or museum to work from there. Some of my favourite places have been the Barbican Library, the Wellcome Collection Library, Wren Coffee and the Marshall Building at LSE. Forcing myself to get out pushes me to be productive and ensures I make the most of my time spent outside.

I spent all of June working alongside my friends on our individual dissertations. I found this helpful because we held each other accountable. Unfortunately, all my friends are away in July which means I have to hold myself accountable. I made a simple schedule for me to follow, I found a Notion template that was useful to help me do this. I have small goals for everyday like, “Write 500 words of Introduction”, “Find five government reports on XYZ topic”. This makes sure that I don’t overwhelm and demotivate myself by setting unattainable goals. If you are someone who is anxious about the scale of the dissertation you are undertaking set small goals for everyday and make sure you stick to them. Also, make sure you aren’t working on your dissertation all day every day. Give yourself a break every day, go out to meet your friends if you can, watch something to relax or just go for a walk. If you plan well and do a little bit every day, you will be able to meet your deadline and produce a good dissertation.

Lastly, LSE LIFE is a great hub for support and resources that will set you up for success when you are working on your dissertation. I have attended multiple workshops that are designed to help you tackle each aspect of your dissertation, providing support and guidance throughout the Summer Term. There are writing retreats, online and in-person sessions and a lot of resources available on the LSE LIFE website. Make sure you make good use of the help available.

All the best!

About the author


Hi, I’m Lavanya and I’m studying MSc Public Policy and Administration at LSE.

Posted In: Student life

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