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July 19th, 2023

Memoirs of a final year LSE student

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes


July 19th, 2023

Memoirs of a final year LSE student

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Estimated reading time: 10 minutes

I’ve been studying Anthropology at LSE for the past three years, and I’ll be graduating soon from a place that I’ve come to know and love so much. As I prepare to leave, I’d like to share a few of my favourite moments at LSE, as well as some things I’d love to pass on to the next cohort of freshers. 

Working hard (or hardly working)

Some of my best moments at LSE were spent in the various study spaces across campus. Because I lived off campus and commuted a few days a week, these were really the social spaces I got to know very well. One of my best friends, who has since graduated, used to pride herself in finding the most obscure study spots across LSE. Amongst our group of friends, we had some amazing times of laughter, as well as some deep conversations. 

The common experience of needing to pull together for an assignment interspersed with moments of chatter during our breaks is what made it so special. Every so often we would also grab a bite to eat at Wasabi, which became a big part of my lifestyle. I’ll always treasure those moments of group study, where we made progress with our work, and also had a bit of fun along the way. 

LSE Diplomacy Ball 

The Diplomacy Ball, co-hosted by the LSESU United Nations Society, was another highlight of my student experience here at LSE. This intercollegiate ball, which had taken a hiatus for a few years due to COVID-19, was one of the highlights of my social calendar. I remember getting ready in my friend’s dorm room with another one of my best friends. We were so excited to be going to our first ever ball, and it definitely did not disappoint. 

During the weeks prior to the ball, we went shopping on Oxford Street several times, trying on dresses and seeing which would stick. I felt very much like someone out of a Jane Austen book, looking at different fabrics for the next social engagement. When we eventually did find our dresses, we were very happy with what we had purchased, and waited in eager anticipation for the night of the ball. 

The stunning location of this event, De Vere Grand Connaught Rooms, made it all the more special, as did the feeling of being dressed up for a special occasion with other University of London students. The event was in such high demand that tickets sold out within five minutes every time they were posted on the Students’ Union website. The next day, I had some wonderful stories to share with my classmates and lecturers about my weekend.

My Advice for future LSE freshers

I think back to myself as a first year student, and wonder what I would tell myself if I had the chance. I remember being a shy teenager who had just come out of a gap year, and had so many fears about what the next few years would bring. However, I spent so much of my time worrying about what would happen that I sometimes forgot to actually enjoy myself instead of always looking for the next step in my journey.

While it’s good to plan ahead, sometimes you can get so caught up in it that the three years pass you by in the blink of an eye. 

So the simple advice I have for you, future LSE students, is this: don’t forget to stop and smell the flowers. 

About the author


My name is Cece and I’m a final year Social Anthropology student here at LSE. I moved to the outskirts of London a few years ago having spent my formative years growing up in the countryside. Throughout my three years at LSE, I’ve lived off campus with my family which has allowed me to have a unique and lovely experience of university. As I draw close to the end of my time here, I’ve very much appreciated studying at the heart of London in one of its most exciting universities. I’m really passionate about all things creative. In my spare time, I’ve always loved to draw, read books and write. I’m currently in the middle of writing a novel, something that I’ve been working on for 3 years. Outside of this, you can usually find me practicing the bass guitar, playing the piano, or singing a tune, all of which I also do most Sundays at my church!

Posted In: Student life

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